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Meme art is imitating life within the Biden campaign. It turns out the movie “Weekend at Bernies” is actually a really accurate description of what’s unfolding.


Many White House, Biden campaign and Democratic officials are increasingly worried that President Biden isn’t up to continuing his campaign or finishing a second term, despite his insistence that he won’t be pushed out.

[…] Outside pressure for Biden to drop his re-election bid grew wider and louder on the Fourth of July, especially from major donors. Doubts also are rising inside the house.

[…] “Everyone is miserable, and senior advisers are a total black hole,” a White House official told Axios. “Even if you’re trying to focus on work, nothing is going to break through or get any acknowledgment” from bosses.

  • A high-ranking Democratic National Committee official told Axios: “The only thing that can really allay concerns is for the president to demonstrate that he’s capable of running this campaign.”
  • “Everything else feels like ‘Weekend at Bernie’s’ by his inner circle to prop him up.”

And speaking of looking like a dead guy being haplessly dragged around DC, after the disastrous debate, reporters started placing bets on how “dead” Biden actually looks. One particularly ghoulish reporter pegged him at “forty percent” dead. That sounds a bit low, doesn’t it?

New York Magazine:

Exiting the room after the photo, the group of reporters — not instigated by me, I should note — made guesses about how dead he appeared to be, percentage wise. “Forty percent?” one of them asked.

“It was a bad night.” That’s the spin from the White House and its allies about Thursday’s debate. But when I watched the president amble stiffly across the stage, my first thought was: He doesn’t look so bad. For months, everything I had heard, plus some of what I had seen, led me to brace for something much more dire.

The New York Magazine Intelligencer piece by liberal reporter Olivia Nuzzi is almost comedic. The left-wing media acts shocked, as if Joe’s dementia was some masterfully hidden secret until the debate. That’s just not true. We’ve all seen the evidence. Social media has been flooded with the stark truth about Biden’s cognitive struggles. The only ones the elites managed to fool were themselves.

Olivia presents her article as observations of Biden over a period of months. One observation she made in April about Jill and Joe was especially telling. She elaborates in her piece:

The first person I saw upon entering the subterranean space was the First Lady.


In the basement, I smiled and said hello. She looked back at me with a confused, panicked expression. It was as if she had just received horrible news and was about to run out of the room and into some kind of a family emergency. “Uh, hi,” she said. Then she glanced over to her right. Oh…


I followed the First Lady’s gaze and found the president. Now I understood her panicked expression.

Up close, the president does not look quite plausible. It’s not that he’s old. We all know what old looks like. Bernie Sanders is old. Mitch McConnell is old. Most of the ruling class is old. The president was something stranger, something not of this earth.


My heart stopped as I extended my hand to greet the president. I tried to make eye contact, but it was like his eyes, though open, were not on. His face had a waxy quality. He smiled. It was a sweet smile. It made me sad in a way I can’t fully convey. […] He took my hand in his and I was startled by how it felt. Not cold but cool. The basement was so warm that people were sweating and complaining that they were sweating. This was a silly black tie affair. I said hello. His sweet smile stayed frozen. He spoke very slowly and in a very soft voice. “And what’s your name?” he asked.

Yes, Biden is a dead candidate walking, and it’s anyone’s guess how long his political career will limp along. But how did we end up here? That’s a powder keg of a question, packed with layers upon layers of twisted lies that the media and the regime have spun to the American public.

Here’s what Alex Thompson of Axios had to say:

Some Biden aides believe those closest to the president have created a cocoon around him that initially seemed earnestly protective, but now appears potentially deceptive in the debate’s aftermath.

They particularly focus on Deputy Chief of Staff Annie Tomasini, the first lady’s top adviser Anthony Bernal, and longtime aide Ashley Williams, who joined the deputy chief of staff’s office when Tomasini ascended to the role earlier this year.

Those close aides have many duties. But officials recall instances of them helping Biden make up for mental lapses, including prompting him to remember people he has known for a long time.

Such moments could be dismissed as normal lapses. But many Biden aides now wonder whether they were signs of something deeper.

One former Biden aide told Axios: “Annie, Ashley and Anthony create a protective bubble around POTUS. He’s staffed so closely that he’s lost all independence. POTUS relies on staff to nudge him with reminders of who he’s meeting, including former staffers and advisers who Biden should easily remember without a reminder from Annie.”

Back to Olivia Nuzzi’s piece. At one donor event, Joe Biden had that “far away” zoned-out look, and his #1 nursemaid had to whisper in his ear and remind him what to say.

NY Mag:

Saying hello to one Democratic mega donor and family friend at the White House recently, the president stared blankly and nodded his head. The First Lady intervened to whisper in her husband’s ear, telling him to say hello to the donor by name and to thank them for their recent generosity. The president repeated the words his wife had fed him. “It hasn’t been good for a long time but it’s gotten so, so much worse,” a witness to the exchange told me. “So much worse!”

That “40 percent dead” number really was too low. As it turns out, Joe can’t even remember his old friends’ names or make it through an entire event. The NY Mag Intelligencer piece continues:

Those who encountered the president in social settings sometimes left their interactions disturbed. Longtime friends of the Biden family, who spoke to me on the condition of anonymity, were shocked to find that the president did not remember their names. At a White House event last year, a guest recalled, with horror, realizing that the president would not be able to stay for the reception because, it was clear, he would not be able to make it through the reception.

That same horrified guest began to see that what they once dismissed as “right-wing propaganda” was, in fact, a stark reality. Score one for the so-called conspiracy theorists. The Intelligencer piece unfolds further:

The guest wasn’t sure they could vote for Biden, since the guest was now open to an idea that they had previously dismissed as Right Wing propaganda: The president may not really be the acting president after all.

The right has unleashed a tsunami of unedited video clips on social media, showing Joe Biden stumbling, looking lost, barely blinking, and some viewers even speculated it wasn’t actually Joe—perhaps someone in a rubber mask, pretending to be him. These videos were dismissed as “cheap fakes,” but the truth is they weren’t doctored at all. Those who have interacted with Joe in person have seen it firsthand. The Intelligencer piece digs deeper:

His face had then an uncanny valley quality that injectable aficionados call “low trust” — if only by millimeters, his cosmetically altered proportions knocked his overall facial harmony into the realm of the improbable. His thin skin, long a figurative problem and now a literal one, was pulled tightly over cheeks that seemed to vary month to month in volume. Under artificial light and in the sunshine, he took on an unnatural gleam. He looked, well, inflated. His eyes were half-shut or open very wide. They appeared darker than they once had, his pupils dilated. He did not blink at regular intervals. The White House often did not engage when questioned about the president’s stare, which sometimes raised alarm on social media when documented in official videos produced by the White House.

And to be clear, Joe’s dementia problem, although it may have gotten worse in recent months, goes back years. Nuzzi:

Obsessive efforts to control Biden were not a new phenomenon. But whereas in the last campaign, the incredible stagecraft surrounding even the smallest Biden event — speaking to a few people at a union hall in rural Iowa, say, or in a barn in New Hampshire — seemed to be about avoiding the so-called gaffes which had become for him inevitable, the stagecraft of the 2024 campaign seems now to be about something else. The worry is not that Biden will say something overly candid, or say something he didn’t mean to say, but that he will communicate through his appearance that he is not really there.

The left has a big problem. It’s not that they were unaware of Joe Biden’s mental decline—they all knew. The real issue was their belief that they could keep it under wraps from the public. And to some extent, they did, thanks to a regime-run media that has a chokehold on many Americans. However, their cover has now been completely blown apart. They’re scrambling not just to salvage any remaining shred of credibility, but also grappling with the growing reality that “President Trump” is making a comeback.