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The Supreme Court’s ruling on “presidential immunity” has obliterated the regime’s lawfare plot. Jack Smith is likely staring at a complete mission failure, while Fat Alvin’s sham “hush money” case hangs by a very thin thread. So much so that he’s delaying sentencing without a fuss while President Trump files a motion to overturn the politicized conviction.

The Hill:

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s (D) office said Tuesday it won’t oppose delaying former President Trump’s July 11 sentencing even as they disagree with his new attempt to set aside his hush money verdict on immunity grounds.

Following the Supreme Court’s decision carving out criminal immunity for former presidents, Trump on Monday sent a letter to his judge insisting prosecutors at the trial introduced evidence that is precluded under the Supreme Court’s test.

“Although we believe defendant’s arguments to be without merit, we do not oppose his request for leave to file and his putative request to adjourn sentencing pending determination of his motion,” Assistant District Attorney Joshua Steinglass responded in a letter filed Tuesday.

Trump’s sentencing is currently scheduled for July 11, just days before he is set to officially accept the Republican presidential nomination at the party’s convention the following week. But the prosecutors’ response raises a strong possibility it will be pushed for at least a few weeks.

The former president’s lawyers have asked for a July 10 deadline to file their written brief explaining their immunity arguments. Their schedule, if accepted, would likely necessitate a delay.

That means sentencing wouldn’t happen until after the RNC convention. Right now, the Dems are on thin ice with their legal tactics after the Supreme Court shot down their lawfare scheme and Biden’s disastrous debate performance. Now, calls for him to step down are intensifying. Trying to lock up Trump over something trivial would make him an even bigger political martyr than he already is. Ultimately, it looks like Alvin Bragg’s sentence for President Trump is four more years at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Thanks, Al.

President Trump has reasserted his innocence and demanded all these sham, politically charged cases be dismissed.

Here’s a closeup of the image:

In truth, the entire lawfare scheme is collapsing as crime in New York City skyrockets. Maybe Soros-backed Alvin Bragg should focus on locking up the violent criminals terrorizing his city instead of trying to imprison the likely next President of the United States.

New Yorkers can’t even enjoy Central Park anymore due to the spike in violent crime. While citizens are terrified, their Soros-backed prosecutor is obsessively trying to jail the leading 2024 candidate over some concocted, non-violent hooey charge.

The New York Post: 

New Yorkers are on edge over soaring crime in Central Park said they’ve been forced to switch up their routines to avoid becoming targets as police pledged more patrols on Tuesday.

“I would never walk on this side of the park at night. It’s not all glitz and glamour like the movies make Central Park out to be,” said a young mother troubled by a series of high-profile crimes that have included cellphone snatchings, assault and gropings.

“I used to bring my son here a lot when he was still in a stroller,” added the mom, who lives about two blocks from the north end of the park. “But now that he’s running all over the place, it’s just no longer a safe feeling for me.”

There have been at least 18 reported robberies in Central Park so far this year, compared four in the same period in 2023, according to the NYPD.

Under Fat Alvin, New York’s not-so-finest criminals feel they have free reign. Knowing he’s caught up doing the regime’s dirty work, they believe they can indulge in criminal activity unchecked. New Yorkers—and all Americans—deserve better than this Soros-endorsed “soft on crime” approach that protects elites at the expense of the average American.