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Trump just burst out of the gate with a whirlwind attack on Kamala Harris in his first major TV ad. The ad focuses on the border invasion, a top election issue thanks to the failed Biden/Harris regime inviting illegals, drugs, criminals, and other unsavory things to flood across our border. The ad starts with Kamala doing one of her cringe-worthy dances, with the narrator introducing her as the “border czar”—a title Kamala and her media buddies are desperate to shake off. The ad then exposes how she has let the border crumble under her watch, featuring that infamous moment with Lester Holt where she laughed off the fact that she had never been to the border.

This ad is a TKO for Team Kamala.

Sadly, this ad hits the mark. Our so-called “border czar” is a massive failure, destroying this country from the inside out. If she remains in power, things will only get worse. For example, back in 2019, Kamala, who’s either a DEI dummy or a Marxist intent on dismantling America, claimed we didn’t need a wall because terrorists weren’t “invading” the country. Fast forward to 2024, and now terrorists are flooding in.

This is an incredibly irresponsible and dangerous mindset. Four more years of this radical liberal at the helm would be a death blow to America.

Trump knows he must relentlessly hammer Kamala’s horrific border record, and this ad does just the trick. It will be running for two weeks in swing states with a hefty $12.3 million budget. Here’s how the spend breaks down:

PA: $2.7M

GA: $2.3M

MI: $2.3M

AZ: $1.9M

NV: $1.8M

WI: $1.3M

President Trump isn’t just targeting Kamala on the border; he’s also slamming her soft-on-crime agenda. He’s calling out her infamous retweet supporting a bail fund that put dangerous and deadly ‘Summer of Love’ rioters back on the streets.

Daily Caller:

Former President Donald Trump will play a video at his rally Saturday in Minnesota scorching Vice President Kamala Harris for actively fundraising for the Minnesota Freedom Fund (MFF), which bailed out serious criminals from jail and released them back onto the streets.

The Daily Caller first obtained a copy of the video, which Trump will unveil at his rally in St. Cloud. The video specifically highlights a number of these criminals who were bailed out by the Minnesota Freedom Fund and the media coverage detailing Harris’s support of the bail fund, which has continued to haunt her as Americans are deeply concerned about violent crime.

Harris’s support for the MFF is still live on Act Blue as of today, encouraging donations for the bail fund with a photo of her face. Her Twitter and Facebook pages also share the link. The Daily Caller News Foundation originally reported that the MFF bailed out six men accused of domestic violence, a man accused of sexually penetrating a child, and a man who allegedly stomped on his victim’s head.

Harris has previously shown her support for the defund the police movement and her current communications director, Brian Fallon, tweeted “defund the police” in 2020. Meanwhile, the Harris campaign has been pushing the “prosecutor vs felon” narrative as a dig at Trump.

Recent polling shows crime is a top issue for voters and the defund the police movement has constantly polled poorly amongst voters across the country.

In addition, we covered the “found footage” clip where Kamala shows full-blown support for the dangerous and failed “Defund the Police” movement.


Could this be the final nail in Kamala’s 2024 coffin? Newly uncovered footage of Kamala Harris has surfaced, and it’s as damning as it gets. She’s caught on camera supporting the highly unpopular “Defund the Police” movement, which the left tried to launch unsuccessfully after the deadly and destructive George Floyd riots. It was so unpopular with Americans that, much like the “border czar” disaster, they tried to pretend it never happened—but it did, and we’ve got the video to prove it.

This damning video should be the end of Kamala’s political career. Sadly, it won’t be, but it should disqualify her from holding political office. Let’s hope President Trump uses this “Defund the Police” clip in his next major ad.