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The election in Venezuela is starting to look more and more like America’s 2020 election, complete with way too many votes and a surprise win, thanks to some really fuzzy math. Now, you can secure your “election victory” with more than 100 percent of the vote. That’s what Maduro, Venezuela’s communist dictator, discovered when he eked out a win against his opponent with 109 percent of the vote counted… Huh?

Imagine the luck…

Here’s a closeup of the image:


Meanwhile, Secretary of State Blinken warns of fraud in Venezuela while completely ignoring what happened here in 2020.

True the Vote:

ALERT! U.S. Secretary Anthony Blinken warns of election fraud in Venezuela despite ignoring election fraud in the U.S.:

“We have serious concerns that the results announced do not reflect the will, or the votes, of the Venezuelan people.”

Interestingly, Biden appointed Secretary Blinken not only turned a blind eye to election fraud in the U.S, according to former CIA Deputy Director testimony HE was “the impetus” behind covering up Hunter Bidens laptop and falsely labeling it disinformation.

Yet, it’s not only the Democrats who are fixated on Venezuela’s rigged elections while ignoring the questionable ones back home. Imagine if Republicans showed as much concern for their base as they do for the Venezuelan people.

Of course, Kamala, the Marxist, gives her back-handed support for what she’s familiar with: the fake election.

Is this Kamala’s way of letting us know what to expect in November when Dems pull off more of their infamous election tricks?

Blinken can say what he likes, but after 2020, America has lost the moral high ground to criticize “banana republic” elections, as we now deal with similar shenanigans here. Any country we call out can easily point fingers back at us, something Kamala Harris would surely prefer to avoid, hence why she issued that pathetic statement regarding an election “victory” that is mathematically impossible. Honestly, we’re surprised Maduro didn’t win by “81 million” magical votes. But the sad truth is, if we don’t switch to paper ballots and hand counting soon, we’ll be dealing with these “fuzzy math” percentages too, because there appears to be a common thread running through all of these companies.


This isn’t the first time that Smartmatic, the primary system used by Venezuela, has been called into question for reliability issues in regards to electronic voting in other parts of the world.


Venezuela uses electronic voting machines in its elections. The primary system used is the Smartmatic voting system. Here are some details about the key entities and individuals associated with these systems:

Smartmatic has been the main provider of electronic voting machines and technology for Venezuelan elections for many years.

Smartmatic’s involvement in elections in other countries has also drawn international attention and scrutiny, particularly regarding the reliability and security of electronic voting systems.

The truth is, the people of Venezuela were not allowed to oversee election integrity.

Andrea Shaffer:

Venezuela Maduro Activated to Military to Block People From Voting. This is what communist dictators do to stay in power. Oh wait, didn’t the Democrats block Republicans from observing vote counting in Michigan, Pennsylvania and elsewhere in 2020?

Sounds familiar, right?

This is a photo from Michigan during the 2020 vote count.

Right-wing media portrayed window covering at ballot center as nefarious. Here's what really happened | CNN Business

As a matter of fact, there was a lot of funny business when it came to vote counting in the Venezuelan election. Sound familiar?

In addition, police were deployed to keep voters away from monitoring the fraudulent election that Kamala just gave her tacit support to. Let freedom ring.