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The so-called “adults” and “decent folks” who claim to champion “democracy” are at it again, this time openly calling for the assassination of President Trump. Leading this dangerous chorus is none other than Biden’s pint-sized paid shill, Harry Sisson. Mr. Sisson erupted on X, posting a violent message that urged a deadly attack on President Trump. What triggered this latest violent spree? The Supreme Court’s landmark decision granting President Trump “absolute immunity” from criminal prosecution for official government actions.

We covered the ruling by explaining what really went down and gathering the hottest takes on the internet.


Many believe this landmark ruling effectively sinks Jack Smith’s cases, leaving them floundering. It’s a tough blow for Jack and the regime’s lawfare attacks against President Trump and our justice system, but it’s a tremendous victory for the nation and the sanctity of the US Constitution. Of course, in this day and age of political warfare, nothing is a complete and total victory, but most legal experts agree that it’s easily the best-case scenario among the likely outcomes Trump faced.

You can get all the best online takes and commentary by clicking the link below:

MAGA explodes over Supreme Court’s ruling on Trump immunity…

Overwhelmed by the ruling, Sisson transformed his X account into a rallying cry for assassination.

To get a sense of what a shill Sisson really is, consider this: he actually appeared on TV, boldly proclaiming that Biden won that disastrous debate. Talk about having absolutely no shame, right?

But little Harry wasn’t the only one lashing out with violence after the ruling came down.

You might wonder what else, besides the obvious mental illness, could spark such disgusting outbursts. Look no further than a wildly irrational dissent from left-wing Justice Sotomayor, who bizarrely compared “presidential immunity” to a commander-in-chief ordering Seal Team 6 to murder a political rival. It seems some left-wing justices are fine with turning the US into something resembling North Korea. Such reckless comments have fueled the already unhinged, violent left-wing mob, with top influencers amplifying this assassination narrative on their platforms.

Here’s a closeup of the images:

The ruling marked a significant victory for President Trump, effectively derailing the regime and Jack Smith’s relentless lawfare attacks against him.

While these threats are grave and serve as dangerous “dog whistles” to a volatile and disturbed crowd that already hates President Trump with a totally irrational fervor, there’s an oddly humorous side to the story that investigative reporter Julie Kelly uncovered.

Every time things don’t go their way, the left throws epic tantrums—grown adults melting down in fits of rage that are often violent and threatening. In a country already tense with the left stoking the flames of violence, it’s deeply disturbing to see someone on the Biden regime’s payroll take Justice Sotomayor’s words and twist them into a more sinister message. This blatant dog whistling aims to incite violence and threats against the leading candidate for 2024 and a former US president. This isn’t just anger; it’s what complete and total desperation looks like. When the left feels cornered, expect anything. Absolutely anything.