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If you’re ready to jump up and cheer in your living room, we’ve got just the clip for you. Every so often, a moment cuts through the noise, reigniting our conviction and revealing the left’s agenda as disingenuous, weak, and totally fragmented. This fiery exchange between Tucker Carlson and a female liberal journalist in Australia is exactly one of those moments, so buckle up and prepare to be inspired.

In a heated encounter in Canberra, Tucker Carlson challenged a liberal journalist from AAP who wrongfully accused him of repeatedly stating that “whites” are being replaced on his show “thousands of time”—a claim that simply isn’t true. When he asked her to provide specific instances, the journalist faltered, unable to cite any examples. But that didn’t stop her. Tucker corrected her, claiming he discussed the replacement of “native-born Americans,” a statement that quite frankly is based on facts, not just “theory.” Throughout the exchange, the journalist struggled to keep up as Tucker dominated her and the conversation with ease. He boldly and correctly called the reporter “stupid” and took the Australian Broadcasting Corporation to task for spreading lies, showing yet again Tucker’s refusal to cave to liberal media pressures or accept their false narrative on key issues like gun violence, immigration, and wild demographic shifts in Western nations.

Below is a transcript of the exchange.

Real Clear Politics: 

REPORTER: You talked a little bit about immigration and, in the past, you’ve talked about how white Australians, Americans, and Europeans are being replaced by nonwhite immigrants in what is often referred to as the Great Replacement Theory. This is the same idea —

TUCKER CARLSON: Have I that whites are being replaced? I don’t think I said that.

REPORTER: Well, it’s been mentioned on your show 4,000 times.

TUCKER CARLSON: Really? When did I say that whites are being replaced?

REPORTER: You have said that before.

TUCKER CARLSON: I would challenge you to cite that because I’m pretty sure I haven’t said that. I said native-born Americans are being replaced, including blacks, native-born Americans. Americans who, like black Americans, have been in the United States for many cases, their families over 400 years. Their concerns are every bit as real and valid and alive to me as the concerns of white people whose families have been there for 400 years. So I’ve never said that whites are being replaced, not one time. And you can’t cite it.

REPORTER: I believe that’s untrue.

TUCKER CARLSON: We just met, but when our relationship starts with a lie, it makes it tough to be friends. You actually can’t cite it because I didn’t say it and I don’t believe it, and I’m telling you that to your face. So why don’t you just accept me at face value? My concern is that the people who are born in the country are the main responsibility of its leaders. And as noted earlier, when those leaders shift their concern from the people whose responsibility it is to take care of to people around the world, to put their priorities above those of their own citizens, that’s immoral. They are being replaced. In my country, people who were born in the United States, and the birth rate tells the whole story. They are not at replacement rate. And so the U.S. population is growing because we’re importing people from other countries.

My view is that happy people have children, and a functioning economy allows them to do that, and we don’t have that. So you need to fix the economy and fix the culture and make it so that people who want to have kids can. You don’t just go for the quick sugar fix of importing new people. That’s my position. If you think that’s racist, that’s your problem.

REPORTER: I never called you a racist.

TUCKER CARLSON: But of course, you are suggesting it. I must say one of the reasons why people don’t like people like you in the media is that you never say exactly what you mean. Your slurs are all by implication. You’re about to tell me the Great Replacement Theory is racist or anti-Semitic, whatever. I’ve said what I’ve said to you right now like 100 times in public. I hope to, if I live long enough, to say it 100 more times. I think it’s completely honest and real, not racist or scary. It’s factually true. It’s not a theory; it’s a fact. The whole point of your question was to be like, “You’re a scary racist.” And my response is, “No, I’m not.” How about no more lying in your questions, and then I’ll answer them.

REPORTER: This is the same theory, or as you say, idea, that has inspired the New York, Buffalo shooting where 11 Jewish Americans were killed.

TUCKER CARLSON: Oh God! Come on! First of all–

REPORTER: It’s inspired the worst, one of the worst Australian —

TUCKER CARLSON: How do they get people this stupid in the media? I guess it doesn’t pay well. Look, I’m sorry, I’ve lived among people like you for too long. I don’t mean to call you stupid; maybe you’re just pretending to be. But I’m totally against violence. I’m totally against the war in Ukraine, for example, which doubless you support and, like all dutiful liberals, support more carnage. I don’t. I hate mass shootings, actually. Nothing I said would inspire anything. My views are not bigoted against any group. They’re honest. They’re factual. That’s not hate; that’s reality. My views derive from my deep concern for Americans. Americans aren’t having kids because they can’t afford to, and nobody in charge cares. So that’s my position. That doesn’t inspire mass shootings. How dare you try to tie me to some lunatic who murdered people. How dare you, actually?

I mean, do you know what I mean? It’d be like, “Hitler wore those shoes. A lot of people are saying that you’re like Hitler. Can you explain those shoes? Hitler wore exactly the same shoes.” And you’re like, “I’ve got nothing to do with Hitler.” That’s how I feel about your absurd, disingenuous question.

REPORTER: So, therefore, you support gun control.

TUCKER CARLSON: What?! I thought it couldn’t get dumber but it did. No, I don’t support disarming law-abiding people so they can’t defend themselves, so the government has a monopoly on violence. I don’t think so. First of all, in my country, that’s illegal, as you know. But moreover, it should be illegal in every country. A sovereign person has the right to defend himself and his family, period. That said, I’m opposed to harming anyone, anyone.

Are you concerned about the war in Ukraine and the countless innocents being murdered there every single day?

I doubt you are. Probably, “Putin bad.” I am. I’m a Christian. I hate violence. I hate mass shootings. I have guns at home and often on my person when I’m in the United States, I’m proud to say, because I want to defend myself and those I love against violence. That’s the point. I’m not perpetrating crimes. I’m not shooting strangers. I’m defending what I love. If you’re against that, I guess I would ask why. Why would you be against that?

REPORTER: So you don’t think you harbor any kind of responsibility for these hate crimes?

TUCKER CARLSON: I’m sorry, I’m trying to be charitable. I’m trying to be charitable. I was like, maybe you’re just pretending to be dumb. Now I don’t think it’s an act.

I love it. I just feel sorry. I mean, because I got here and the country is so unbelievably beautiful, and the people are so cheerful and funny and cool and smart. I’m like, your media has got to be better than ours. It can’t just be a bunch of castrated robots reading questions from the boss, and then it turns out it’s exactly the same. Maybe even a tiny bit dumber.

You know Tucker Carlson absolutely relished his clash with the Australian “journalist.” It perfectly showcased the left-wing media as parrots, mindlessly echoing tired old woke platitudes, totally disconnected from reality. And when they’re pressed for evidence, they just loop their pre-loaded “woke” responses.

But there’s more to this beatdown than just a few chuckles at this young lady’s expense.

What Tucker did to this lazy, robotic “journalist” was more than just a fun pummeling. It revealed a dark secret about the true relationship between the media and globalist regimes worldwide. As Tucker correctly pointed out, without a compliant media, the other elements of the corrupt ruling class wouldn’t be able to act with such impunity and with such an utter lack of accountability and disdain for the filthy, unwashed peasants. Despite how much the mainstream media is struggling, it’s still a powerful tool for the regime. In many instances, legacy media is on its last legs, as you can see in Tucker’s fiery exchange down under, but the left-wing media is still going strong. For them, this isn’t just about chasing ratings or cashing in on ads—it’s all about pushing a particular message. And believe it or not, even using someone like Tucker, whom they despise, works for them. As this clip catches fire, the same folks we’re poking fun at are actually thrilled—it’s their woke message that’s spreading.

So, as we focus on the corrupt elements of the ruling class, the Justice Department, and the National Security Establishment, Tucker’s masterclass in Australia also reminds us of the original enemy of the American people—the fake news media. And speaking of that, who could forget when, seven years ago, President Trump took his first official press conference and famously labeled CNN as “fake news”? That moment echoed around the world, and the media drama has only intensified throughout the years.

Another thing to keep in mind from this latest showdown down under is just how compelling a speaker Tucker Carlson is. He really shines at live events like this, and he should definitely do more live speaking. In the end, this “journalist” was the perfect example of how most of these yahoos blindly follow the woke cult—here was a woman utterly unable to engage in a very basic discussion. She represents a sad trend in mainstream liberal media, where such zombified “journalists” are destroying real journalism. Instead of saving their profession, they’ve happily handed the microphone over to the regime to help it advance its agenda. And make no mistake, this is all by design.