It’s that time of the year again—pandemic season, which seems to now coincide with every national US election cycle—just in time to unleash a tsunami of those handy-dandy mail-in ballots. This time around, the so-called “experts” and their media cohorts are pushing a hefty case of fearmongering over the “Bird Flu.” While we never want to downplay illness, we do want you to remember what liars, crooks, and opportunists our “experts” are, as well as our government, especially when it comes to diseases that they can profit off of.

We’ve been all over this issue from the get-go. Our piece on the whistleblower who claimed the CIA bribed experts to lie about COVID burned up the internet.


As we all know, the COVID pandemic is shrouded in a whole lot of mystery. Remember those early, fear-mongering videos from China and Italy claiming to show people collapsing in the streets and mass graves? As it turns out, those clips were edited and totally fake. Yet, there seems to be little interest in investigating their origins. Clearly, COVID didn’t turn out to be the “deadly pandemic” we were warned about, so who went to such lengths to create that “deadly” narrative? These are just a few of the lingering questions surrounding a “pandemic” that served as a convenient springboard for the left’s “Great Reset.”

One of the most pressing questions is the virus’s origin. Initially, we heard it came from wet markets or “bat soup,” but those stories have been debunked. It’s increasingly likely that the virus was lab-created and originated in Wuhan, China. Yet, oddly enough, our own government seems very reluctant to admit this. They’re even going to great lengths to hide the truth. One whistleblower has come forward to reveal that the CIA actually paid experts to change their stories, insisting that the virus wasn’t lab-made but instead came from a “zoonotic” source, meaning it jumped from animals to humans.

Here’s what the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic had to say on X:

Here’s a closeup of the letter:

But sadly, there’s more:

Chief Nerd:

“The whistleblower told Congress that the CIA assigned seven officers to a COVID Discovery Team, which consisted of ‘multi-disciplinary and experienced officers with significant scientific expertise.’

‘According to the whistleblower, at the end of its review, six of the seven members of the Team believed that intelligence and science were sufficient to make a low confidence assessment that COVID-19 originated from a laboratory in Wuhan, China,’ Wenstrup and Turner wrote.

‘The whistleblower further contends that to come to the eventual public determination of uncertainty, the other six members were given a significant monetary incentive to change their position’”

In today’s world, trusting our so-called “experts” and the government has become a tall order. After the spectacle we all endured with the COVID “pandemic” and the ensuing vaccine debacle, it’s no wonder Americans have lost faith in the folks who are calling the shots.

This is exactly why a growing number of people are rallying behind medical mavericks—experts like Dr. Peter McCullough, who risked it all to expose the truth, courageously standing up to Big Pharma and Big Government. Their careers hung in the balance as they dared to tell it like it is. One expert, who was actually part of the mass COVID hysteria, has suddenly come around to a certain extent. His name is Dr. Feigl-Ding. He heads up a COVID task force at the New England Complex Systems Institute. This Harvard-trained epidemiologist is now ringing the warning bell about bird flu.

The timing is spot-on because recent statements by the FDA Commissioner have been downright ominous:

[The] real worry is that it will jump to the human lungs where, when that has happened in other parts of the world… the mortality rate has been 25 percent.

While the FDA has a bizarre obsession and creepy fetish for pushing vaccines, Dr. Feigl-Ding has seen the light and is suggesting a more practical, no-nonsense approach on how we can stay prepared and self-reliant, not just dependent on government mandates. Top of the list is to stock up on Oseltamivir (the generic version of Tamiflu™). The good news is, you don’t even need to hassle with booking an appointment with your doctor—we’ve made it so easy that you can grab your supply today.


Based on this information from Dr. Feigl-Ding, Dr. Peter McCullough, Chief Scientific Officer at The Wellness Company, has put together a groundbreaking product—a Contagion Emergency Kit that solves the bird flu fearmongering with quickness. It’s a carefully curated, prescription-only collection of lifesavers. This kit doesn’t just include Tamiflu; it’s packed with other heavy hitters like ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, z-pak, and budesonide, ensuring you and your family are as prepared as humanly possible.

Here’s what Dr. McCullough had to say about including Tamiflu in the kit:

“Out of an abundance of caution, we are adding Tamiflu to the Contagion Kit. Tamiflu is a safe medication approved to treat influenza type A viruses like the avian flu. We will continue to closely monitor this situation and make further recommendations as warranted.”

Let’s face it, “hope” isn’t a strategy. We need to buckle down and take steps to prepare for the next “government” crisis and request life-saving prescription drugs from trusted medical mavericks from the comfort of our homes. Unlike 2020, we now have the tools available to defend ourselves and our health from whatever these ghouls throw at us next. And that’s where The Wellness Company comes in.


The Wellness Company and their new prescription Contagion Kits are the gold standard when it comes to keeping you safe and healthy.

This kit is prescription-only; you can’t find it in any store. Simply fill out a short questionnaire after purchase, and a trusted Wellness Company doctor will confirm your suitability and issue your prescription Contagion Kit.

The Wellness Company Contagion Kit contains:

• Azithromycin (generic Z-Pak) 250 mg – 12 tablets
• Budesonide 0.5 mg/2 mL – 10 vials (plus nebulizer included)
• Hydroxychloroquine 200 mg -20 tablets
• Ivermectin 12mg – 25 tablets
• Oseltamivir 75 mg (generic Tamiflu™) – 10 tablets
• 1 Contagion Kit Guidebook written by the Chief Medical Board for safe use. 

It’s truly that simple to get peace of mind, knowing you and your family will have everything you need at your fingertips when the next crisis hits.


Here’s what people are saying about the Contagion Kit:

“This is the perfect emergency kit at the perfect price. Every home should have this for peace of mind”. – Rebecca B.
“This is absolutely great! I encourage everyone to buy one of these for emergencies!!” – Melody H.
“Peace of mind. It is an amazing peace of mind to have this kit in case of emergencies and shortages. The Wellness Company did an excellent job of getting this to me in a timely manner and I and thankful to have it.” – Phyllis T.

Never be caught without these critical drugs in your medicine cabinet. Protect yourself and your family with The Wellness Company’s Contagion Kit before the next emergency hits.

Simply click on the link below to reclaim your power and safeguard your family: