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Most of you have likely heard about Joe Biden’s disastrous debate performance—it was one for the history books. Sure, it’s normal for a politician to have an “off night” in debates. But what’s not normal is watching a US presidential candidate have full-blown “dementia moments” on live TV.

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Americans were shocked by what they saw, and even worse for Biden, Dems were too. So much so, even his most loyal cheerleaders, like those on the New York Times editorial board, are calling for the old guy to step aside. It’s a brutal blow to Biden.


But what’s truly amazing is the general meltdown from the left. Haven’t these folks been watching Biden? He’s been declining at an alarmingly fast rate for over a decade now. Either they’ve been in denial, convinced that all the “dementia” videos of Joe were just “cheap fakes” nefariously crafted by evil right-wingers, or they knew all along, ignored it, and then were both embarrassed and terrified when forced to face the ugly truth next to President Trump.

That’s when the panic set in.

As we mentioned earlier, Joe’s decline has been both swift and savage. Videos comparing Biden debating Paul Ryan to facing President Trump reveal his shocking decline in the most stark and brutal ways imaginable.

It’s hard to believe those two men in the clip above are the same person. Joe’s lost a lot of brain cells over the past 12 years; imagine what 4 more would do to him and this country.

Meanwhile, this is President Trump in 2012. He sounds exactly the same as he does today.

President Trump didn’t waste any time releasing a damning compilation of Joe Biden’s lowest “lowlights” from the debate.

Team Biden and their media cronies are trying to brush off Joe’s dismal and frankly rather alarming debate performance by claiming he had a “head cold.”

One thing’s for sure: the media and left-wing regime officials must think the American people are as cognitively impaired as Joe. Why else would they spout such intelligence-insulting nonsense? Biden is on his last leg. At 81, he should be retired, sitting in a rocking chair surrounded by his great-grandkids, not pretending to run the most powerful country on earth (into the ground). As calls for Joe to step down grow louder, it’s anyone’s guess what will happen. But one thing’s for sure: the Dems are likely stuck with Biden, like it or not. They’ve missed their window to replace him.

RELATED: The Dems Need to Replace Biden, But They Can’t

Now, the only way they can push him out is if he steps down for “health reasons,” and even that could get messy for various reasons. But the bottom line is that Joe’s a stubborn old coot, and it’ll take a lot to get him to admit defeat. Stay tuned.