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There’s a new buzzword making the rounds on the internet, courtesy of the Biden regime: “cheap fakes.” This is Team Biden’s latest desperate attempt to brush off claims that Biden is a decrepit, bumbling old fool who can’t walk, talk, or hold himself together in public. His propaganda spokesperson, the DEI cheerleader Karine Jean-Pierre, is making a fool of herself by standing in front of the media and claiming that everything we’re seeing with confused ol’ Joe isn’t real. According to KJP, it’s all just a “cheap fake,” concocted by unscrupulous right-wingers with a dodgy political agenda. This is yet another classic “smoke and mirrors” trick from the Biden regime to distract us from the real issues. It’s something we should all be wise to by now, considering they’ve been pulling these stunts since the old guy was installed in the White House.

Ever since Biden shuffled onto the scene, it’s been one bizarre event after another.

We can’t discuss Biden’s smoke and mirrors game without touching on the rubber mask theory. Sure, you might dismiss it as just another silly conspiracy, but nowadays, even some staunch skeptics are starting to admit that something looks off. With bizarre photos like this circulating, truly, nothing is off the table, right? Plenty of folks who saw this picture couldn’t help but wonder—what’s up with Biden’s chin?


Biden’s face changes almost daily, and naturally, this sparks all sorts of conspiracy theories.

And speaking of “cheap fakes,” who can forget when Joe Biden held court on his fake White House set?

Good Lord, even in its early days, Star Trek had better production quality than this gong show.

And don’t forget that Reuters wrote an extensive article “debunking” Biden using a fake movie set. Their verdict about the fake set was “false.” They claimed that none of the “evidence” presented proved that Biden’s White House is “fake.” 


Social media users have shared photos of President Joe Biden in the Oval Office, claiming they provide proof that the office is fake or a film set. The “evidence” includes a supposed change in wallpaper, allegedly darkened windows and claims that former President Trump is walking in the background outside the office. Reuters has examined each of these photos and found none of the claims to be true.

This is yet another textbook example of the regime’s modus operandi: telling Americans they can’t trust their own eyes and ears. Everything negative that they see is some right-wing illusion, except, of course, whatever they do. That stuff is real.

And now, it’s déjà vu all over again as the regime scrambles to cover up Biden’s latest fumbles. His G7 trip was an utter disaster, marked by moments where he froze up and aimlessly wandered like the confused, lost old man he truly is. Seriously, since when is it normal for the so-called US President to salute the Italian Prime Minister and then shuffle off in a daze?

Maybe it’s time to retire the nickname “Sleepy Joe” and replace it with “Wandering Joe.”

Additionally, during a fundraising event with Barry Obama, Joe froze up once again, and his puppet master had to escort him off stage. The Democrats tried to claim that didn’t happen and even provided this video below as proof, which ironically showed it did happen, just as we said. This is the perfect example of the regime playing mind control games, as if they’re rewriting history—metaphorically tearing down the old statue and replacing it with a new one that better suits their agenda, and you just have to nod and go along with it.

So, as all of this mess unfolds, the regime’s top DEI cheerleader now wants you to know that all of this stuff you’re seeing that paints Joe in a “dementia light” is “fake.” Don’t believe what you see with your own eyes; Biden is the best “president” in US history. Can you believe that? No, obviously not, but that’s the snake oil they’re peddling, and some clueless Americans are actually buying into it.

Collin Rugg:

JUST IN: White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre says videos of Biden freezing and appearing confused are “cheap fakes video.”

Don’t believe your own eyes, folks.

Pierre said right-wingers who are sharing these videos have a “credibility problem.”

“I think you all have called this the cheap fakes video, and that’s exactly what they are. They are cheap fakes video.”

“They’re done in bad faiths. And some of your news organizations have, have been very clear, have stressed that these right wing, the right-wing critics of the president have a credibility problem because of the fact-checkers have repeatedly caught them pushing misinformation, disinformation.”

“And so we see this, and this is something coming from, from your, your part of the world, calling them cheap fakes and misinformation.”


So, it’s not that Biden is glitching out all over God’s green earth; it’s that right-wingers have a “credibility” problem. This is desperation on an entirely new level.

In truth, if we had a serious press corps instead of a propaganda machine for the regime, they would relentlessly probe every Biden blunder, compelling this mop-top charity case to justify each one as a “cheap fake.” But, of course, we don’t have that. Instead, she was given free rein to spew lies and her own brand of “deep fake” without anyone calling her out.

Some sharp reporter who actually gives a hoot about their profession should show her this video and demand she walk through every single moment, explaining exactly how it’s “fake” and providing the “real” footage that we’re apparently all missing.

This modus operandi the regime is using now with the “cheap fakes” strongly resembles the way they’re handling Biden’s cruddy economy. The Biden regime is out there telling struggling Americans, who can’t even afford a package of chicken, that they just don’t grasp how “great” Biden’s economy really is. This has to be one of the worst strategies ever. It not only insults Americans barely scraping by but also paints the regime as a complete fraud. This is the classic “smoke and mirrors” agenda that Team Biden has rolled out from the start: ignore the confused, bumbling dementia patient behind the curtain. Just focus on what we say is happening, and everything will be just fine.

We’ll leave you with these words from George Orwell, which hit pretty close to home with everything we’re dealing with in the US right now:

“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”