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Thursday night’s debate was one for the history books—more epic than many of us expected. President Trump delivered an outstanding performance, while Joe Biden barely limped through. It was a long, bumbling night for Biden, who shuffled off the stage with Dr. Jill’s help, securing his spot in the history books for one of the worst debate performances ever.

President Trump actually put together a reel of Joe’s best lowlights as a response to the debate. Brutal stuff.

Actually, Biden’s debate performance was so abysmally awful that it triggered a collective meltdown in the media. Many Dem loyalists even called for Joe to step down. Instantly, theories sprouted up about a “coup” in the works to replace Joe Biden with Gavin Newsom.

Some people believe Newsom is talking like the next candidate in this clip below.

The debate has sparked a flood of theories across the internet suggesting that Grusome Newsom might be the Dems’ 2024 candidate. And it’s not just chatter from the right—folks on the left are pushing this theory too.

Sacramento Bee:

After Thursday night’s debate performance, one thing is crystal clear: The national Democratic Party must immediately announce they will seek to replace President Joe Biden as the presumptive candidate.

We can do better than this. There are still nearly two months before the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, scheduled for late August. Thursday’s debate made it clear that Biden must be replaced as the candidate with someone — anyone.
Even California Gov. Gavin Newsom.

It could be a Hail Mary play for the ages, bringing Newsom in to save the day like a handsome Hollywood leading man in a Sorkinesque script. He could rally delegates and fill them with enthusiasm. It would harken to a sense of normalcy in our country — even if it’s a rich, white, cis sense of normalcy.
It’s clear the Republican Party is determined to ride its orange horse all the way to The White House, but he remains a threat to democracy today just the same as he was eight years ago. But for the Democrats, only a fresh injection of visible vitality and something more than a minimally-acceptable level of intelligence will save Americans from a second Trump administration, and prominent Democrats and donors must now loudly begin the calls.
We have to have someone to rally around, and Newsom is the only person with enough name recognition to have a chance in such a moment.

In addition, our friends at RedState think Newsom will be the elites’ pick, and they also think Kamala will go along with the plot, no questions asked.


Strategists theorize that Democrats would have to hold a public event to symbolically transfer power to the new candidate. Biden, Obama, Clinton, Schumer, and Pelosi would publicly introduce and endorse the anointed nominee.

They would also have to convince Harris to throw her support behind the substitute, which would be a painful experience for someone so fiercely protective of their political future.

And the Biden Replacement would also be a risk for the replacement nominee. If he or she took up the party banner and then lost to Trump in November, their political careers may never recover.

All Democrats may have some painful decisions ahead.

How would Democrats convince Harris? It’s my opinion that Rep. Nancy Pelosi will tap into her mob boss roots and have a little “Nice life you got there, it’d be a shame if something happened to it” type of discussion. Pelosi knows where all of the figurative bodies are buried related to Kamala since she’s the queen of the San Francisco power structure that developed Kamala, and she won’t hesitate to use that information if needed to help her nephew-by-marriage, Gavin Newsom, capture the White House.

We encourage you to read the entire piece; it’s a fascinating theory. Click here.

However, one friend of Revolver is saying, “Not so fast.” He believes those Newsom rumors and theories are dead wrong, and he’s got his own theory about what’s really going on.

Jeremy Carl:

There’s a take on this debate I’ve heard from a lot of folks on the right, that is tempting and understandable, but completely wrong– one that says that the Democrats knew Biden would bomb this badly and scheduled the debate early so they could move him out of the way.


Most of the people closest to Biden who would have been making these decisions are Dem apparatchiks, but more specifically, they are Biden apparatchiks. They wouldn’t enjoy anywhere near the same power and access with his successor. For better or worse, their fates are tied to Biden specifically.

They had the debate early because they knew that while Biden was not in great shape, they had drunk the Kool-Aid and convinced themselves, at least to some degree, of the lies they have been telling for years to the American people about his mental state.

They thought that if they worked with the most favorable rules, on the most favorable network with the most favorable moderators, and gave Biden a full week to prep, they would be able to get through it and even if they didn’t “win” it would be far enough from the election that voters would ignore a mediocre performance.

They were not counting on what a disaster it would be to have Biden fully unmasked 1:1 vs. a competent and energetic opponent.

Yes, Biden’s performance was such a disaster that it’s tempting to think “this was all planned” but that’s only if you ignore the levels of self-deception, lying and magical thinking that have dominated the Democrat party for years now.

That’s what was exposed on the debate stage last night.

Jeremy could be spot-on. However, it’s worth noting that Joe’s team is with him around the clock. They know better than anyone just how much his cognitive abilities have declined—after all, they’re the ones constantly gaslighting us. So, it’s a bit of a stretch to think they’ve suddenly downed some “Kool-Aid” and bought into the idea that the man we all saw on the debate stage could have somehow pulled off a decent performance.

But, as Revolver recently highlighted, getting rid of Joe isn’t all that straightforward. Our system was designed to protect a candidate, for obvious reasons. However, if Joe chose to bow out gracefully, that would be a different story altogether.


While the left is panicking, many on the right have embraced the conspiratorial theory that the Democrats set Joe Biden up for this debate performance in a sneaky way to usher him out of the presidential race. To be sure, anything is possible. Our position at the moment is more simple: the Democrats simply screwed up by not getting rid of Biden a year ago, and now they are stuck and are unable (or at least extremely unlikely) to be able to get rid of him. It is difficult for us to appreciate, but many of the Democrat elite actually believe the propaganda of the mainstream media, and out-of-touch donors and the like probably believed the media’s lies, downplaying Biden’s cognitive decline. For once, the Dems may have gotten screwed by their own propaganda machinery!

Another reason as to why the Dems didn’t get rid of Biden a year ago was put forth by commentator Scott Greer. Greer’s theory is that the Democrats’ strong performance in the midterms made it politically impossible for there to be a primary challenge to Biden. For a man in rapid cognitive decline, the timeline between the midterms and the debate last night can be an eternity.


The midterm results ensured no one serious ran against Biden in the primary. Democrats felt Biden was reasonably popular after 2022 and could easily win again. The problem for them is that he’s significantly declined–physically and mentally–since the midterms. But the only way to have replaced him was to beat him in the primary. They failed to do that

You can read the entire in-depth piece here:

The Dems Need to Replace Biden, But They Can’t…

As we explained in the piece, yes, anything can happen, but aside from the horrific debate performance, it’s not easy to just swap out a candidate. If Joe sees the light and decides to step aside in exchange for a heroic sendoff, that’s one scenario. But anything beyond that seems highly unlikely. The Dems might just have to face the music and accept that they’ve missed their window to replace the old guy.