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Don’t trust your own eyes. Don’t believe your own ears. America, you’re being bombarded by “cheap fake” videos from unscrupulous conservatives, making Joe Biden out to be a bumbling old fool.

According to the “experts” in the mainstream media, Biden is a stalwart statesman at his very best. They say that Biden has a photographic memory and an outstanding grasp of the issues facing the nation. Do you agree? If not, just check out this embarrassing compilation from twelve days ago. It’s astounding how these lickspittles are willing to tank their own reputations just to stay loyal to the regime.

By the way, this is just one more reason why all “experts” across the board are flailing.


While we’re at it, here’s a bonus clip from Morning Joe that is breathtakingly slobbery and slavish.

Just nine days ago, the right was supposedly spreading “fake news” about how “babbling” Biden is.

A week and a half later and boom—a whole new narrative is sweeping the nation. Suddenly, after Thursday night’s debate, conservatives were right all along: Biden really is a mess.

And now, the same media that has lied through their teeth to protect him and mocked us all are clamoring for his replacement.

Any last shred of credibility these jokers had is now obliterated. But do they care? Not a bit. This isn’t about credibility; it’s about following the master plan set by the leaders of the “Biden Regime.” Cheap fakes be damned, the media are just dutiful little soldiers of the deep state, ready to take a bullet for the progressive cause.

Now, after one of the most disastrous debate performances in US history, the same media that proclaimed Biden a genius just twelve days ago are now declaring his campaign finished and calling for him to step down. Remember Chris Wallace? He dragged Joe across the finish line in the first debate of 2020. This turn of events must be a real heartbreaker for him. Luckily, he’s on CNN now, and thanks to their ratings, nobody will see him at his worst.

It’ll be interesting to see what happens as the fallout from the debate continues. As it stands now, the media are in full-blown panic mode and are calling for Joe to step down. Will he do it?

Yes, probably. Once he feels the full weight of the deep state against him and his family, things might shift. But for now, it’s business as usual.

The Hill:

President Biden is “not dropping out” of the 2024 race, a campaign official said following a shaky debate performance late Thursday that spurred talk among some Democrats of whether he should be replaced atop the ticket.

“Of course he’s not dropping out,” Biden campaign spokesperson Seth Schuster said in a text message.

For now, however, he’s doing what all politicians do—claiming victory and plowing forward. It’ll be interesting to see how this plays out. Either way, President Trump is in a strong political position but needs to keep his head on a swivel. The Dems aren’t just giving up; they’re gearing up for their next big move. You can bet that whatever happens, our propaganda media will be there to push the progressive narrative with their shameless lies.