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In case you’re wondering, our “security policies” meant to control these unvetted illegals aren’t cutting it. Violent, cunning criminals are skillfully bypassing Biden’s so-called safety protocols. And once they break free, they’re unleashing deadly and rapey havoc, sexually assaulting innocent American women and children, then murdering them. This is all unfolding under Biden’s watch, due to his elimination of every successful Trump-era policy that had secured our nation and releasing a flood of violence upon unsuspecting communities.

The latest incident involves a 12-year-old American girl who had her whole life ahead of her. Now, because of Biden’s negligent inaction at the border, this little girl was raped by a Venezuelan illegal migrant before being brutally murdered and tossed in a river.

Mario Nawfal:


Houston police have arrested two Venezuelan migrants, Johan Jose Rangel Martinez, 21, and Franklin Jose Pena Ramos, 26, for the murder of 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray.

Pena Ramos crossed the border illegally in May and was released into the US after claiming fear for his life.

Surveillance footage identified the suspects meeting Jocelyn at a convenience store before her murder.

Her body was found in a creek.

Both men were arrested at their Houston apartment complex.

Homeland Security is investigating their immigration histories.

Source: New York Post

Sadly, this is becoming a common theme. But how could this happen despite Biden’s “strict” tracking policies? The answer is simple: the murderous illegal just cut off his ankle monitor.


Charlie Kirk:

The Biden Administration claims its open border policies are safe for Americans because they do background checks on Third-World arrivals who sign up to come here on a phone app, and because they put ankle bracelets on them.

Today, we learned that one of the Venezuelan illegals who murdered 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray had a novel workaround to the ankle bracelet issue: He just cut it off.

Meanwhile, on my show today, we discussed how DHS’s background checks waved in several alleged terrorists from Tajikistan.

All the left’s narratives around immigration are a lie. All of their “safeguards” are shams, desperate cover stories to keep the foreign looting of America going as long as possible.

This fall, vote like your daughter’s life depends on it.

We recently published a story on how “rapey” Biden’s illegals have become. It’s a quick snapshot of the assaults and murders unfolding under Biden, but even just skimming the surface of this plague is both sickening and jarring.


It seems as if every time we turn around, another American woman or child has been raped and/or murdered by one of Biden’s beloved illegals. Who can forget the beautiful nursing student Laken Riley, whose body was raped and life was snuffed out by one of Biden’s illegals? It was a savage crime that crushed the soul of America. How did it get this bad? What have we become? A dumping ground for foreign filth?


It’s almost as if we’re now rewarding these savage criminals, letting them stay here to commit their heinous crimes on the American taxpayer’s dime. How foolish can we be? We’re being led by soulless ghouls whose only concern is clinging to power at all costs—even if it means sacrificing your virtue and your life.

We highly suggest you read this entire piece and see for yourself the horrific, violent pattern forming in Biden’s Illegal America:

Biden’s beloved migrants are getting very rapey…

So, why are these criminals allowed into our country, and why is it so easy to “work around” our so-called “security procedures”? The answer is both simple and complex. The short answer is that this is a much bigger, well-funded operation than we might realize. Amy Sue Martin, a self-proclaimed crime blogger, wrote an open letter to Republican Congressman Brain Mast, highlighting how the Biden regime is actively funding UN groups that are flooding the US with unprecedented illegal invaders.

Amy’s blog is a real eye-opener and adds another crucial piece to the US border invasion puzzle.

Age of Disinformation:

Dear Congressman Mast:

In recent days, a total of more than $7.4 billion in U.S. tax dollars has been allocated to the State Department for “Migration and Refugee Assistance” in FY 2024.1 If nothing is done to rein in the State Department, a significant proportion of these funds will be used to further facilitate unbridled illegal mass migration into the United States.

For years the State Department has been directly funding “migration”-related non-governmental organizations (NGOs) based outside the U.S. via the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM) and via the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). The State Department also provides billions in financial support to the United Nations International Organization for Migration (IOM), the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), and other UN agencies which also provide grants to migration-related NGOs based outside the United States.

I have two very serious concerns regarding these State Department-funded UN migration agencies and NGOs. First, these agencies and the relief they provide under the heading of “humanitarian assistance” have been demonstrated to incentivize and facilitate the unprecedented illegal mass migration that we now witness entering through our Florida airports2 and at our southern border.3 Second, these agencies and NGOs lack both the capacity and the incentive to “vet” the illegal immigrants they send to the United States.

Over the past three years, investigative journalists have exposed how NGOs in Latin America contribute to the mass migration that is destabilizing the U.S. economy, harming our national security and usurping our sovereignty. If we hope to disrupt the Venezuela- China- and Iran-backed asymmetric warfare4 being waged against the U.S., cutting off the U.S. funding that facilitates illegal mass migration is crucial. In your capacity as Chair of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Oversight, you have authority to investigate:

We highly recommend reading this comprehensive, enlightening blog. It’ll give you a clear grasp of the extensive scale of the regime’s invasion agenda. Click here.

What’s happening in America under the corrupt and illegitimate Biden regime is criminal. It’s gotten so bad and out of control that even some Democrats are starting to ring the alarm bells. People like former Governor Andrew Cuomo and Bill Maher are sounding off because they know the border issue is a ticking time bomb for Bumbling Biden.

Collin Rugg:

NEW: Bill Maher and Andrew Cuomo blast Dems for their open border policy, Maher goes as far as calling Democrats racists as Adam Kinzinger sits in silence.

Cuomo targeted NY Gov Hochul and NYC Mayor Adams for not stopping the crisis earlier.

“The didn’t stop them. They could have stopped that. The governor was saying she didn’t want them outside of New York City, but the mayor could have said no. The governor could have said no.”

Maher blasted Democrats for failing to respect legal immigrants like Latinos who actually oppose illegal immigration.

“Trump is up. He has a 23 point edge with Latinos on the issue of border security.”

“I feel like this is another of those issues where the Democrats, trying to be so un racist are actually kind of racist because they don’t, they don’t seem to see Latinos as Americans.”

“Like they care about border security too. They’re here.”

They should do the smart thing and *not* vote for Joe Biden.

While these words might rally our side and wake more Americans up to the harsh realities, don’t be fooled—these Dem “alarm bell ringers” cast their votes for all these evil politicians and anti-American policies. They’re just as much to blame for what’s happening.