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You might not recognize the name “Joel Searby,” and really, who could blame you? Searby is just another run-of-the-mill GOP strategist, working tirelessly behind the scenes to prop up establishment politicians at a time when the old GOP guard is being rebuked at a breathtaking rate. To show just how off-base and clueless this Searby guy is, he was the “chief strategist” for none other than Evan McMullin—a former CIA spook and staunch Trump-hater who made a tiny splash with his cringe-worthy flop of a presidential run in 2016.


Trump’s lewd tape appears to be cutting into his standing among social conservatives, nowhere more so than in Utah, where the Mormon faith holds sway and tolerance for the latest revelation of Trump’s lasciviousness has pushed his already strained relationship with state Republicans past the breaking point. That, combined with a broad rejection of Hillary Clinton, is good news for McMullin.

You may remember Evan, who was often memed as an “Egg McMuffin.”

It turns out that Politico was dead wrong. It wasn’t good news for McMullin. He still lost Utah, his home state, in a landslide.

More Politico:

But this is McMullin’s moment, and his team is hoping to consolidate state GOP support.

“We’re talking to pretty much all of the key leaders in Utah,” McMullin campaign chief strategist Joel Searby said. “We have had direct communication with every leader in Utah who has either not supported Trump previously or has since unendorsed Trump. Every single one.”

McMullin hasn’t yet been endorsed by any of those elected Utah Republicans, but multiple strategists and operatives in the state said that they could come out in support of the conservative long shot in the coming days.

Evan and Searby’s goal was to stop Trump in his tracks by winning Utah. But that plan was a total dud, because even with behind-the-scenes support from his “good friend” Mitt Romney, Evan and the propaganda media couldn’t pull off a win in the Mormon state.


Now, it’s come to light that Mr. Searby, the self-proclaimed “family man” and establishment “strategy guy,” has been arrested in Florida for allegedly soliciting sex with a teenage boy, and the evidence the cops have on this guy is extremely damning.

Also, it probably won’t shock you to learn that Mr. Searby was connected to the Lincoln Project, yet another cluster of has-been GOP strategists with Stage 5 TDS.

The Lincoln Project fell off its high horse after one of the founding members, John Weaver, who was a John McCain/John Kasich campaign “genius,” faced accusations of soliciting young men. It seems like a pattern is emerging among these so-called establishment types. Back in 2023, Joel Searby took to Substack to pen a “Dear Diary-style” blog detailing his quest to scout an alternative candidate in 2016. In his piece, he astonishingly labels the now-disgraced Lincoln Project as “brave.”

Joel, a budding sicko himself, really looked up to the perverted scumbags in the Lincoln Project.

At the time of this publication, Joel’s post had only managed to rake in a measly six retweets. He was never setting the internet on fire, except now, thanks to his charges.

Joel Searby:

Then there was a small, brave faction of conservatives who did not support Trump. Bill Kristol, Rick Wilson, John Kingston, Bill Wichterman, David French, Pete Wehner, Quin Hillyer, and so many others affectionately known as the “Never Trumpers.” Robert Saldin and Steve Teles have since written a book about this crew including the story I’m telling here – it’s called Never Trump: The Revolt of the Conservative Elites. You can grab it here if you like.

I researched all I could about these folks – not knowing a single one of them personally at the time. I also made my own lists of candidates I thought could pull it off. At the top of that list, for me, was Condoleeza Rice. I persuaded my company owner to give me some budget to run a poll in a few states to test Rice (and some others) against Trump and Clinton. What I found shocked me. Rice, running as an independent, was winning in Texas and a few other states. I thought maybe I was on to something but I didn’t know what to do with this information.

Also, here’s Joel back in 2023 calling out so-called “right-wing extremism” and “election deniers.” Notice how he doesn’t call out pederasty.

Now, Joel Searby will likely have plenty of time to rethink his establishment strategies as he cools his heels in a prison cell for allegedly trying to hook up with a young boy. To add insult to injury, Searby sat on the board of Newberry Education First. It’s hardly surprising he’d want a position so close to young kids.


An Alachua County judge ordered a Newberry Education First board member to be held without bond at a first appearance hearing Friday morning.

Joel Searby, 43, was booked into the Alachua County Jail on Thursday on charges of lewd and lascivious behavior, communication to lure a minor, communication to travel to meet a minor, and using a communication device to commit a felony. According to the arrest report, he solicited sex from an underage boy on Snapchat.

Searby was one of the people leading the charge to attempt to convert Newberry public schools into charter schools.

The arrest report from the Alachua County Sheriff’s Office transcribes a conversation that started on Wednesday between Searby and the victim on the messaging app Snapchat. In the message chain, Searby asked the 15-year-old if he has ever had a crush on an older man and then describes a sexual encounter he had as a teen with an adult man.

As we mentioned earlier, the evidence against Searby is overwhelming. The WCJB piece continues:

Searby sent the boy multiple photos of himself with his face obscured, including a photo of his hand in his pants. He then invited the boy to visit his home the next morning, secretly.

He suggested the victim should sneak out and go to Searby’s guest house. He would send the boy a text asking him to go over to help with yard work as an excuse for his parents.

“Evidence is pretty damning, and it’s scary for me as a parent,” shared parent Brandy Oldman.

On Thursday morning, law enforcement took over the boy’s account and continued the conversation with Searby. He confirmed the meet-up for “yard work” and a detective pretending to be the victim asked if they would be “jerking off” or something more.

Searby replied to the victim’s account, “I would like to do more but we can take it one step at a time and if I start doing anything you don’t want to do we can stop. I’ll walk you through it.”

Detectives then executed a search warrant at Searby’s home on Southwest 170th Street and he was taken into custody. Searby invoked his right to remain silent. He was booked into the Alachua County Jail and his bond has yet to be set.

What’s truly alarming is that this potential monster wasn’t just on the school board; he was also a pastor and a basketball coach. How many victims could be out there who haven’t come forward yet? It’s likely a lot more.We’d be curious to know what Evan McMullin thinks about his sidekick’s arrest. After all, he was so “disgusted” by Trump’s Access Hollywood tape, even calling Trump “inhuman.” Someone should shove a microphone and camera in Evan’s face and ask him just how “human” Mr. Searby is. Sadly, since we have a regime-run media, don’t expect them to call out one of their own. This story, like all others that paint the uniparty in a bad light, will simply disappear down a deep black hole.