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Well, it looks like some in the media are finally waking up to Biden’s lawfare antics. His regime is wielding 18 USC 241 to railroad American citizens. We’ve been saying all along that Douglass Mackey was used as a “test case” to lay the groundwork for this lawfare agenda, and now, thanks to Reason, there’s some solid evidence to back that up.

Douglass Mackey, the guy who found himself at the heart of the infamous “meme trial,” checked out Reason’s latest article and shared his insights. It inadvertently proves how the Biden regime used him as a guinea pig, testing out 18 USC 241 on him for sharing a satirical anti-Hillary meme and getting a felony conviction for it.

For those out of the loop, Revolver has been on top of Mackey’s case, even calling on Elon Musk to help fund Mackey’s appeal.


If Musk wants to continue to defend the free speech of X users in court, the most important case now is the government’s unjust prosecution of Doug Mackey. Mackey was sentenced to seven months in prison for posting a meme about Hillary Clinton last year and is appealing his case to the Second Circuit Court of Appeals on Friday.

Beyond being “the most shocking attack on freedom of speech in this country in our lifetimes,” according to Tucker Carlson, the old regime at Twitter was instrumental in Mackey’s prosecution, and the FBI has used it as precedent to continue to harass X.

Revolver has already written extensively on Mackey’s case. To recap: Douglass Mackey ran the legendary pro-Trump anonymous account @RickyVaughn99 prior to the 2016 election. He posted two memes on 4chan that joked that you could vote by text message and posted them on his account. Four years later, less than a week into the Biden administration, FBI agents showed up at his house and arrested him under 18 USC 241, conspiracy against civil rights—a law enacted to punish Klan violence. Prosecutors could not produce a single person who took the meme seriously, let alone failed to vote because of it.

To make matters worse, the government indicted Mackey in Brooklyn’s Eastern District of New York, where Clinton’s campaign was headquartered, and she won 79% of the vote. Neither Mackey nor his “co-conspirators” (i.e., members of pro-Trump group chats) ever set foot in the district. At trial, the Southern Poverty Law Center intimidated one of Mackey’s expert witnesses from testifying by threatening to go contact his employer, and the judge allowed it.

The Brooklyn jury convicted Mackey after nearly a week of deadlock. An Obama-appointed judge sentenced him to seven months in prison… for a meme. As President Trump succinctly put it, “They are putting Douglass Mackey in jail for sharing a joking meme about Hillary Clinton seven years ago. Nobody ever heard of anything like that.”

You can read the entire piece here:

Dear Elon: America Needs You to Back Doug Mackey’s First Amendment Fight

Seeing the effectiveness of 18 USC 241 after they secured a conviction against Mackey, they’re now applying the same tactic elsewhere. The Reason article discusses its use against anti-abortion activists, but this strategy is also targeting President Trump.

Douglass Mackey:

Reason Mag finally covered the Biden admin’s weaponization of 18 USC 241 to lock up pro-life protesters for extremely harsh sentences. 18 USC 241 is the same statute the Biden DOJ used to convict me of sending a satirical meme. (We’re appealing that conviction and hope to severely restrict the ability of the DOJ to politically weaponize this statute, please donate to fund that appeal here:

Here’s what Reason had to say about the pro-life protesters:

Core to the case is the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act, a 1994 law making it a federal crime to engage in “violent, threatening, damaging, and obstructive conduct intended to injure, intimidate, or interfere with the right to seek, obtain, or provide reproductive health services.” The necessity of that law is disputable when considering that offenses like trespassing are already crimes. That’s not to say the defendants acted blamelessly; they didn’t. It is to say that the criminal code is extremely bloated, and the FACE Act arguably further criminalized conduct that was already illegal.

Not content just with the FACE Act, prosecutors paired it with another federal offense: conspiracy against rights, which criminalizes conspiring “to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person” who is in the process of exercising a legal or constitutional right.

Prosecuting these offenses in tandem gave the government an opening to secure sentences that were, in this writer’s view, clearly disproportionate to the criminal conduct, regardless of one’s political views. Fifty-seven months—the sentence Handy received—is, for example, the same punishment a federal judge last month handed to a Hawaii man who allegedly defrauded 42 investors out of $1.2 million. There is a disconnect here.

At Harlow’s sentencing, her husband, John, asked for mercy, invoking her age and reportedly declining health. Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia declined to oblige and replied that she should “make every effort to remain alive…because that is part of the tenets of your religion.” Do even the most avid pro-choicers think this woman should potentially die in prison for this?

Reason breaks down the backstory of these cases and how we ended up in this sorry state of affairs.


A federal judge late last month handed down the final sentence in a string of high-profile prosecutions related to a protest at an abortion provider in Washington, D.C. That defendant, Paulette Harlow, 75, received two years in prison for helping block an entrance to a clinic in October 2020.

She joins nine other defendants who received sentences from 10 to 57 months’ incarceration.

That the group broke the law is basically beyond debate. Whether or not the law under which they were prosecuted should be a law at all, however, is not—a question worth interrogating regardless of where you fall on the pro-choice to pro-life spectrum.

On October 22, 2020, Lauren Handy, who organized the protest and received almost five years in prison, secured access to the Washington Surgi-Clinic by booking an appointment under a fake name. The scene was, according to prosecutors, chaotic: Several of the defendants proceeded to block the way into the procedure area by chaining themselves together, and one nurse reportedly fell and sprained an ankle after another defendant, Jay Smith, 34, shoved a door open. (Ironically, he received the shortest sentence—10 months—because he declined to go to trial.)

Core to the case is the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act, a 1994 law making it a federal crime to engage in “violent, threatening, damaging, and obstructive conduct intended to injure, intimidate, or interfere with the right to seek, obtain, or provide reproductive health services.” The necessity of that law is disputable when considering that offenses like trespassing are already crimes. That’s not to say the defendants acted blamelessly; they didn’t. It is to say that the criminal code is extremely bloated, and the FACE Act arguably further criminalized conduct that was already illegal.

It’s crystal clear—18 USC 241 is the ace up the regime’s sleeve. With this law, they can weaponize the judicial system and exert massive power over their political adversaries. That’s the dark cloud, but here’s the silver lining: patriots are pushing back. Douglass Mackey, currently facing a federal prison sentence, is fighting these unjust tyrants by appealing his sham conviction, and he stands a strong chance of winning.

He spoke to Tucker Carlson about it. This entire interview is worth watching.

Another meme that landed Douglass Mackey in hot water during his trial was the “Draft Our Daughters” meme. These clever, satirical pieces suggested that a Hillary Clinton presidency would lead to such extensive warfare that it might necessitate drafting women. Below is an example of that meme:

Now, ironically, Senate Democrats have voted to draft women, just as Joe Biden shuffles us toward World War III.

Zero Hedge:

Out of the hundreds of conservatives hunted down by the Biden DOJ, social media influencer and shitposter extraordinaire Douglass Mackey’s case was particularly absurd.

During the 2016 election, Mackey promoted internet memes suggesting that people could vote through text messages (as opposed to unsecured dropboxes) – and of course, something a Hillary supporter was not prosecuted for.

Less than a week after Biden took office, the DOJ charged him with participating in a ‘voter disinformation campaign,’ and convicted by a jury in the Eastern District of New York in front of an Obama judge.

Mackey also pushed a meme which originated on 4chan, a #DraftOurDaughters hashtag that implied Hillary Clinton would draft women into the military. The meme featured heavily in Mackey’s trial – which is currently in limbo as his case

Now, Senate Democrats Jon Tester (D-MT) and Jacky Rosen (D-NV) have come under fire for doing just that – having added language to the annual defense authorization bill to require women to register for the draft.

Mackey also commented on that meme in a recent X post:

Douglass Mackey:

The obviously satirical, obviously political “Draft Our Daughters” meme featured heavily in my case as evidence against me.

It was obviously political commentary on Hillary Clinton’s position to force women to register for Selective Service, which is now coming true.

Here’s a closeup of the image he shared:


Now, as Zero Hedge explains, Senate Democrats are coming under heavy fire:

“There shouldn’t be women in the draft. They shouldn’t be forced to serve if they don’t want to,” said Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) during an appearance on Fox News, calling the provision “insane.”

Hawley previously led efforts to strip language requiring women to register for the draft from the defense authorization bill in 2021 and 2022, The Hill reports.

Meanwhile, Sen. Roger Wicker (R-MS), the top-ranking Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee, has vowed to try and strip the language out of the bill.

“I’m opposed to that. I don’t think this is the time to get into a debate on the floor of either house about that. We’re not anywhere near implementing a draft, and to me it’s a distraction when we need to be talking about real issues that are immediate,” he said, adding “I hope it will fall out, either on the floor or in conference.”

The whole situation is just dripping with irony, really highlighting how lawfare was at the center of Doug’s sham trial.

The outrage is widespread as the Biden regime manipulates our justice system and targets American citizens. This is precisely the type of dystopian government our Founding Fathers warned us about. However, Mackey has a very strong case on appeal. Harvard Law Review published a case note arguing that his prosecution violated the First Amendment. Many law professors, including Eugene Volokh, one of the leading experts on the First Amendment, have filed briefs showing his prosecution violated the First and Fifth Amendments.

The issue is that this case is extremely expensive, and Doug is now in hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt. Whether Elon funds it or not, it’s imperative that anyone who cares about internet freedom continue to support Doug’s defense. You can do so via one of the following methods via Mackey’s website:

The Meme Defense Fund (tax-deductible, 501(c)3 non-profit foundation)


Send cash, check, or a money order made out to Douglass Mackey to:

Douglass Mackey
PO Box 6332
Delray Beach, FL 33482


Bitcoin: bc1qp53hutv9d0qngyvm3wcxeyhnp0srcysghnrhj9

Ethereum: 0xBb078c6823B0d0d35738aa55f0a7F36CA37e4434

Litecoin: ltc1qp7m4ll7ckw77jtraj9rl7xuve56q45d850k4dq

Monero: 41kkLhRfRXVJo9ts5pdZcJ3LUUddhtTsLTMWKi8bi32Ve1Djmz7GxBF957hTyh4yPfK3XxYCQGXYTdv4ur46mjJp5NJZaUi

This is arguably the most crucial First Amendment case in America right now. We, the people, must support Douglass Mackey’s appeal. If his conviction stands, the repercussions will come back to bite us all.