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Just when you thought our corrupt, weaponized justice system couldn’t sink any lower, the Connecticut Bar Association steps up and delivers a home run for the regime. They’re subtly issuing a “warning” to lawyers against criticizing Trump’s sham judges and prosecutors. While they haven’t threatened Bar action against the critics (yet), it’s clear this move is a blatant attempt to muzzle and control the narrative, which has spiraled out of their control and backfired spectacularly on the regime. Desperate times call for desperate measures, right? And seeing this latest move, you have to wonder if the folks at the Connecticut Bar think “1984” was a how-to manual.

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These days, we’re witnessing horrific examples of the regime’s lawfare everywhere. From President Trump’s sham trials to the J6 political prisoners, Jeffrey Clark, John Eastman, and Douglass Mackey, who was convicted of a felony just for sharing an anti-Hillary meme—plus, what’s happening to Alex Jones is something straight out a banana republic.


The fate of Infowars hangs in the balance, thanks to that unjust Sandy Hook ruling against Alex Jones. Now, Infowars is at the mercy of a US courtroom that feels more like a banana republic—enemy territory for anyone not marching in lockstep with the regime. And no one knows this better than Alex Jones. Remember when they first came for Alex, knocking him off platforms and trying to wipe out his livelihood by debanking him and scrubbing him from every corner of the internet? Was

Is that a trial run? It looks like it, because that’s exactly what they started doing to President Trump and other conservatives. Just look at Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro now. Speak out against the regime, and you’ll pay for it. That warning shot started with Alex Jones.

It wasn’t until recently that he got his social media voice back, and that’s all thanks to X, formerly known as Twitter. Vivek was one of the loudest voices urging Elon Musk to bring Alex Jones back. Eventually, it paid off, and Elon reinstated Infowars on the platform—a platform he should’ve never been removed from to begin with.


But that’s where the good news ends. Sadly, with the unjust Sandy Hook ruling, it seems the US banana republic is trying to erase Infowars off the map once again. Alex recently issued a dire warning—his popular show might be over for good.

You can read the entire article here:

As you read this, the fate of Infowars hangs in the balance of a banana republic courtroom…

One attorney who is thoroughly outraged over this so-called “warning” out of Connecticut and just so happens to be a legal professional who’s been very critical of Trump judges and prosecutors and the politicized cases against him is law professor Jonathan Turley. As a matter of fact, he’s so outraged by the move that he put “pen to paper” and sent a warning of his own—this time to the American people—about the effort to once again silence political dissent under the flim-flam guise of “saving democracy.”

Jonathan Turley:

This week, I have received emails from Connecticut bar members over a message posted by President Maggie Castinado, President-Elect James T. (Tim) Shearin, and Vice President Emily A. Gianquinto warning them about criticizing the prosecutions of former President Donald Trump. The message from the bar leadership is chilling for those lawyers who view cases like the one in Manhattan as a raw political prosecution. While the letter does not outright state that such criticism will be considered unethical conduct, it states that the criticism has “no place in the public discourse” and calls on members to speak publicly in support of the integrity of these legal proceedings.

The statement begins by warning members that “words matter” but then leaves the ramifications for bar members dangling on how it might matter to them. They simply note that some comments will be viewed as “cross[ing] the line from criticism to dangerous rhetoric.”

According to the Connecticut Bar, it is now considered reckless and unprofessional to make analogies to show trials or to question the integrity of the legal system or the judges in such cases.

For example, criticizing Judge Juan Merchan for refusing to recuse from the case is considered beyond the pale. Many lawyers believe that his political contributions to Biden and his daughter’s major role as a Democratic fundraiser and activist should have prompted Merchan to remove himself (and any appearance of a conflict). I have been more critical of his rulings, which I believe were both biased and wrong.

Yet, the Bar is warning lawyers that such comments can cross the line. The letter assures members that they are free to criticize but warn that attacking the ethics of a judge or the motivations behind these cases is dangerous and could spark violence.

As usual, the current uproar has nothing to do with “fairness” or “justice.” It’s all about keeping the narrative alive that President Trump is a dirty felon unfit for office, and it’s hard to do that when highly credible people are calling out the lawfare happening in US courtrooms. Turley goes on:

For those lawyers who view such prosecutions as political, they are speaking out in defense of what they believe is the essence of blind justice in America. What is “reckless” to the Connecticut Bar is righteous to others. Notably, the Bar officials did not write to denounce attacks on figures like Bill Barr or claims that the Justice Department was rigging justice during the Trump years.

Likewise, the letter focuses on critics of the Trump prosecutions and not the continued attacks on conservative jurists like Justice Samuel Alito. It has never published warnings about those calling conservative justices profanities, attacking their religion, or labeling them “partisan hacks” or other even “insurrectionist sympathizers.” Liberal activists have been calling for stopping conservative jurists “by any means necessary.”

In Connecticut, Sen. Richard Blumenthal has warned conservative justices to rule correctly or face “seismic changes.” That did not appear to worry the bar. Likewise, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer also declared in front of the Supreme Court “I want to tell you, Gorsuch, I want to tell you, Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price.”

But it gets even worse. The letter actively encourages legal experts to support these sham trials, basically turning lawyers into free PR agents for the weaponization of the justice system and the regime’s lawfare. Turley continues:

The letter goes further and suggests that lawyers should speak publicly in support of trials like the one in Manhattan, a view that ignores the deep misgivings over the motivations and means used in New York to target an unpopular figure in this city. You have the top Bar officials calling on lawyers to take a public position that is opposed by many lawyers and citizens in defending the integrity of these prosecutions. Imagine the response if the Idaho Bar called on its lawyers to speak out against these cases and declared that it is reckless or unprofessional to defend them.

I expect that, in the very liberal Bar of Connecticut, the letter is hardly needed. Indeed, this letter is likely to be quite popular.  Yet, I would have thought that Bar officials would have taken greater care to respect the divergent opinions on these trials and the need to avoid any statements that might chill the exercise of free speech.

Ironically, the letter only reinforced the view of a legal system that is maintaining a political orthodoxy and agenda. These officials declare that it is now unprofessional or reckless for lawyers to draw historical comparisons to show trials or to question the motives or ethics underlying these cases. They warn lawyers not to “sow distrust in the public for the courts where it does not belong.” Yet, many believe that there is an alarming threat to our legal system and that distrust is warranted in light of prosecution like the one in Manhattan.

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In the end, these political derelicts tried hard to keep the anti-Trump narrative afloat, but that ship has sunk to the bottom of the sea. Now, they’re scrambling to restore faith in the (weaponized) justice system itself. The courts have become the latest institution to be hollowed out and exposed as corrupt by the Trump phenomenon. It’s a horrific setback for the bad guys and, sadly, for the nation as well, but there’s a silver lining here: hidden truths are being dragged into the light once again, and more Americans are waking up.

Be sure to read the rest of Jonathan Turley’s excellent op-ed here.