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Well, it looks like Chris Matthews no longer feels that thrilling tingle running up his leg. After Biden’s disastrous debate performance, it’s more like Chris had something running down his leg. Matthews joined Bill Maher to discuss the debacle, and he didn’t mince words, declaring that Biden isn’t “smart enough” to “keep up” with President Trump. Bill Maher said he knew 90 seconds into the debate that it was game over for Joe and the election was lost.

And pay close attention to Chris’s “senior” moment, or was it a Freudian slip, when he accidentally called Biden “Obama” during their chat.

Eric Abbenante:

Bill Maher says that Trump’s debate performance reminded him of when ‘Mike Tyson used to knock guys out in 90 seconds. This election is over’:
CM: “You see the head, the way he turned that head? Let’s watch the guy and show how crazy he is. He’s looking for it.”
BM: “You’re blaming that on Trump?”
CM: “His theatrical ability. He is playing this.
BM: “He didn’t have to do anything. It reminded me Mike Tyson used to knock guys out in 90 seconds. That was like 2 minutes into the debate. I was like ‘This election is over’.”
CM: “Obama… I’m sorry, Biden is not smart enough to keep up with him.”
BM: “Isn’t that the whole point? You need a guy to keep up with him.”

Pro tip: When defending Biden’s senility, try to avoid having your own ‘senior moment’.

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Yes, Joe’s debate performance was truly that dreadful. President Trump wasted no time compiling Joe’s lowest “lowlights” of the evening into a brutal clip, showcasing just how cognitively impaired Joe actually is—though most of us had already figured that out eons ago.

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So, how did the Biden camp respond to the tremendous backlash? Well, as stupidly as you’d expect them to. Team Biden and some of their media loyalists are scrambling to explain Joe’s poor performance by claiming he had a cold and was on medication.


SPIN: The Democrats are now shifting from Biden’s poor performance was because of Trump’s ‘lies’ to his performance was impacted by cold medication explaining:

“President Biden’s recent debate performance, marked by confusion, agitation, and anger, can likely be attributed to the effects of cold medicine he was reportedly taking for a seasonal illness. Cold medications containing ingredients such as pseudoephedrine or dextromethorphan are known to cause side effects including cognitive impairment and mood changes, particularly in higher doses or in individuals who are sensitive to these substances. Given the demands of a high-stakes debate and the physical toll of illness, it is plausible that these medications affected his demeanor and performance.”

Since when does “cold medication” turn someone into an Alzheimer’s patient? Sounds fishy. Meanwhile, the “stupidest candidate” doesn’t even seem to know what century he’s living in.

Apparently, Joe struggles with understanding how electricity works as well.

Chris Matthews may not get it right all the time, but he truly nails it with his latest observation. Joe Biden has never been known for his sharpness, and the years haven’t been kind to him. He’s definitely too slow on the uptake to keep up with President Trump, so expect more debate lowlights if Biden stays in the race.