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It seems there’s no love lost between the Obamas and the Bidens. Rumors have long swirled that Barry isn’t exactly a fan of Joe, viewing him as nothing more than a loudmouthed dullard. Despite this, Barry has committed to campaigning vigorously for Joe—not because he believes Biden is the best choice for America, but because Obama fears Trump will expose him as the “Spy-in-Chief.” On the other hand, Michelle Obama isn’t bothering with the Biden circus. Apparently, the Bidens are a bit too low-rent for Michelle’s liking, and she’s choosing to sit this one out, “democracy” or not.


Former First Lady Michelle Obama privately has expressed frustration over how the Biden family largely exiled her close friend Kathleen Buhle after Buhle’s messy divorce from Hunter Biden, two people familiar with the relationship told Axios.

Why it matters: The family tensions — and the former first lady’s disdain for partisan politics — are partly why one of the Democrats’ most popular voices hasn’t campaigned for President Biden’s re-election, the sources said, even as former President Obama has been a willing surrogate.

  • Michelle Obama also was initially reluctant to campaign for Biden after he became the Democratic nominee in 2020, people familiar with the situation told Axios.
  • Biden’s team says the relationship between the families is strong, pointing to public displays of camaraderie that continue today. But the sources told Axios that the relationship changed in 2015.
  • That was when then-Vice President Biden was weighing a presidential run, and President Obama was not encouraging it.
  • It also was the year Biden’s son Beau died of cancer, setting off years of tumult within the family that included Hunter Biden and Buhle’s divorce in 2017.

Michelle Obama hasn’t been onboard with the Bidens for quite some time, and a lot of her disdain for the family centers around Kathleen Buhle, Hunter’s first wife, who Michelle is close friends with. The Axios piece goes on:

Michelle Obama, who had become friends with Buhle during the Obama administration, privately told others that she felt Buhle had been wronged.

  • Buhle had to deal with Hunter’s drug use and infidelity — and then Biden family members blamed Buhle for some of the salacious details of his behavior becoming public.

Reality check: Michelle Obama’s absence from the campaign trail to this point in 2024 isn’t just about her relationship with Buhle — it also reflects her longstanding distaste for partisan politics.

  • Speaking about his daughters at a splashy Hollywood fundraiser for Biden this month, Barack Obama said: “Michelle drilled into them so early that you would be crazy to go into politics.”

The two women are very close, and as you likely know by now, Hunter cheated on Kathleen with his dead brother’s wife, whom he also introduced to hard drugs. The Axios piece continues:

Flashback: Hunter Biden wrote in his 2021 memoir that Michelle Obama and Buhle became “close” during the Obama administration and “worked out together at the gym and often had evening cocktails at the White House, at both formal and informal events.”

  • That friendship has continued.
  • When Buhle published her own memoir in 2022 she used Michelle Obama’s publisher, and several of Michelle’s former communications aides were hired to coordinate the book’s rollout.
  • The famously insular Bidens disapproved of Buhle writing the book with some unflattering details about the family, but Buhle’s defenders noted that she wrote it only after Hunter’s own book had included intimate details about their marriage and his addictions.
  • Michelle appears to mention Buhle in her 2022 book, “The Light We Carry,” writing: “My friend Kathleen and I keep regular morning dates to walk by the river.”

When it comes to the Biden family, it apparently doesn’t take much to find yourself on the outs, whether you’re Hunter’s long-suffering ex-wife or Hunter’s stripper baby mama from Arkansas.

It’s no secret that the Bidens don’t exactly sparkle with a sterling reputation. Between the antics of Hunter, “ten percent for The Big Guy,” the diary of Ashley Biden, the crony dealings of Frank and James Biden, and the machinations of the family matriarch, Jill Biden (not to mention her fashion sense), the Bidens really do resemble the Wild and Wonderful Whites of Boone County, West Virginia.

The Bidens even keep untrained, dangerous dogs that they allow to roam about the White House property.

Besides all of that, there always seems to be some shady business brewing around the Bidens, right? What the heck is going on with their home refinancing scheme?


Did the Daily Mail accidentally uncover a money-laundering scam in the Biden family? No, we’re not talking about Hunter Biden’s fake “artwork.” This new theory hits much closer to Joe’s home—literally. It involves two of his homes in Delaware. Either Joe Biden is broke and needs a lot of cash, or he’s up to something mighty shady. The big question now is: why are the Bidens refinancing their Delaware homes so often? One of their houses was actually refinanced an astounding 15 times.

Honestly, who needs to refinance their home 15 or more times? We wanted to find out the average number of times Americans refinance their homes. Unfortunately, that data isn’t readily available. However, when we asked ChatGPT if refinancing a home 15 times was “excessive,” this was the response:

“Yes, refinancing a single home 15 times does seem excessive.”

So, what is Biden up to, especially given the fact that he’s worth millions? There are some interesting theories floating around.

Besides the antics of Biden and his clan, Obama has other reasons to worry. It turns out Democrats don’t like the old-timey version of Joe, the guy who can’t find his way off a 6-foot stage or string a simple sentence together to save his life.


Biden doesn’t generate the same fervor and loyalty that Obama once did among Democrats, and that Trump continues to do among Republicans. A recent Washington Post study of Census Bureau data found that black voter turnout declined by 10 points between the 2018 and 2022 midterm elections. Black men are drifting away from the left. So are Hispanic voters of both sexes.

These voters are not happy with this economy. No one is. Educational attainment and political ideology, moreover, are becoming better indicators of partisanship than race or ethnicity. “The beginning of wisdom,” wrote my American Enterprise Institute colleague Ruy Teixeira in the Liberal Patriot newsletter, “is understanding that the nonwhite working class is not particularly progressive while the Democratic Party has become more so.” Biden has presided over this shift while doing little to stop far-left activists from coddling criminals, exploiting asylum loopholes, and imposing transgenderism on school curricula and girls’ sports.

Liberal pundits reassure themselves by comparing Biden to Ronald Reagan. At this point in his first term, Reagan’s approval ratings were also stuck in the low to mid-forties. What the late Wall Street Journal editor Robert L. Bartley deemed the “seven fat years” of economic prosperity under Reagan were just beginning. Then, in 1984, Reagan rode a wave of positive economic data to his landslide reelection over former vice president Walter Mondale.

Joe Biden is definitely no Ronald Reagan, and don’t expect his floundering economy to make some miraculous comeback. If anything, we’re likely to sink even deeper into inflation and stagnant wages as long as this failed regime remains at the helm. Michelle Obama could definitely lend a hand; after all, she’s still hugely popular on the left. If Joe’s campaign situation gets too dicey, expect the Dem insiders to really push for Michelle to step in and try to save the day.