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Well, the Biden regime has outdone itself once more. They’ve plunged deep into the DEI well and snagged a real doozy.

This latest DEI hire isn’t just a flamboyant cross-dresser; he’s also an anti-white racist and a hardcore left-wing extremist—more on that below. He ticks every box for a progressive DEI hire—the only thing missing are his “communication skills.” But, honestly, who needs those when you’re set to spearhead Biden’s circus of a communications department?

This DEI obsession has completely consumed the left. It’s such a critical issue that we’ve tackled it from multiple angles. In fact, we just dropped an exclusive on the “George Floyd effect” and its role in transforming our universities into deep, dark pits of DEI madness.


[…] Abolishing diversity statements is not the same thing as abolishing the diversity cult itself. The situation in academia is improving in some respects, but for now it remains a matter of tiny marginal improvements to a vast, utterly rotten edifice. The state of affairs in academia today is such that broad swathes of entire disciplines—not just fake DEI disciplines—have become utterly corroded by DEI.

The triumphalism over vanishing diversity statements operates on the assumption that said statements are a primary driver of anti-white and anti-male discrimination in academia. In reality, though, these statements are simply the product of a DEI-obsessed culture that exists on a deeper level. Mandatory statements during the hiring process make it easier and smoother to reject white male applicants, but the intent to reject them as often as possible was there long before. This discriminatory intent means that DEI (or woke, or race communist, pick your term of choice) priorities now pervade almost every aspect of the academic sausage-making process—to a degree that would shock most Americans. Unless this process is reformed (or, more likely, torn out at the root and replaced), universities will continue their downward spiral toward useless mediocrity.

You can read the entire fascinating piece here:

The Secret George Floyd Effect: DEI Rot in Universities Is Deeper and Darker Than You Imagine

Anyways, back to Mr. Cherry.

The most common reaction from regular, everyday Americans when they see the above photos is to ask, “Is this for real?” Well, sadly, this shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone. After all, who could forget Biden’s previous DEI drag queen hire—the notorious kleptomaniac luggage thief, Sam Brinton, who was eventually fired in disgrace.


Let’s take a look at Biden’s administration, shall we?

Meet Sam Brinton. Biden appointed Brinton to a top Energy Department position: Deputy Assistant Secretary in the Office of Nuclear Energy.

Brinton was a ‘kleptomaniac’ and stole luggage from airports.

Here he is wearing two outfits he got from luggage he stole. The women at the bottom of each photo are the rightful owners of the clothing.

Of course, after the thefts, the Biden Administration was forced to fire Brinton.

Methinks Brinton was one of Biden’s many “identity-politics hires.”

The Biden Administration is full of incompetents and clowns. Was Brinton vetted? Pass a background check? Possibly not.

Of course Sam wasn’t properly vetted—it’s not about finding the sanest, most qualified person for the job anymore. It’s about finding the “freakiest” candidate who ticks all the progressive boxes. That’s the whole premise of the left’s DEI movement. They’re aiming to flood the country with unqualified eccentric kinks and easily-controlled dullards in high-ranking leadership roles, not just in government but also throughout corporate America, entertainment, education, and even the medical industry. This is yet another tactic by the left to control the masses and instill their Marxist thought and speech control. And their next major “DEI Drag Queen” maneuver? Hiring left-wing extremist Tyler Cherry as the new associate director of communications.

Popular account Libs of TikTok broke the story on X and it instantly went viral.

Libs of TikTok:

The new White House Associate Communications Director.


Some more photos of Tyler Cherry and some of his past tweets calling police slave patrols and for ICE to be abolished:

New White House Associate Communications Director got his degree in gender studies


New Associate Communications Director previously worked at Media Matters


More of Tyler Cherry’s past tweets:


Tyler Cherry has many tweets complaining about there being too many White people


We encourage you to read the entire thread that Libs of TikTok put together, highlighting the hate, depravity, and radicalism of this latest Biden regime hire:

Click here.

Tyler Cherry pictured on bottom right.

Tyler has responded to his radical, hateful, and outrageous past tweets with this flimsy, totally unacceptable excuse: “Past social media posts from when I was younger do not reflect my current views. Period.”

That statement doesn’t cut the mustard, and it also doesn’t explain his kinky penchant for dressing up in women’s clothes. Tyler expressed his support for the Biden regime’s Marxist green agenda, and the White House quickly chimed in, delighted with their radical, white-hating DEI selection, of course.

The New York Post:

“I support this Administration’s agenda – and will continue my communications work focused on our climate and environmental policies,” he added.

The White House defended hiring Cherry in a statement to Fox News, with White House senior deputy press secretary Andrew Bates telling them, “We’re very proud to have Tyler on the team.”

“I support this Administration’s agenda – and will continue my communications work focused on our climate and environmental policies,” he added.

The Biden regime hasn’t racked up many wins, and they’ve dropped the ball on plenty. But if there’s one thing they’ve nailed, it’s turning into a real-life Sodom and Gomorrah administration. We’re just waiting for Jesus to come back and start flipping tables over.