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The fate of Infowars hangs in the balance, thanks to that unjust Sandy Hook ruling against Alex Jones. Now, Infowars is at the mercy of a US courtroom that feels more like a banana republic—enemy territory for anyone not marching in lockstep with the regime. And no one knows this better than Alex Jones. Remember when they first came for Alex, knocking him off platforms and trying to wipe out his livelihood by debanking him and scrubbing him from every corner of the internet? Was

Is that a trial run? It looks like it, because that’s exactly what they started doing to President Trump and other conservatives. Just look at Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro now. Speak out against the regime, and you’ll pay for it. That warning shot started with Alex Jones.

It wasn’t until recently that he got his social media voice back, and that’s all thanks to X, formerly known as Twitter. Vivek was one of the loudest voices urging Elon Musk to bring Alex Jones back. Eventually, it paid off, and Elon reinstated Infowars on the platform—a platform he should’ve never been removed from to begin with.

But that’s where the good news ends. Sadly, with the unjust Sandy Hook ruling, it seems the US banana republic is trying to erase Infowars off the map once again. Alex recently issued a dire warning—his popular show might be over for good.

Infowars reporter and former J6 political prisoner Owen Shroyer is on the scene, covering the fate of Infowars as it unfolds in a courtroom right now.

Owen Shroyer:

Today, in a courtroom, the fate of Infowars could be decided.

With all the lies told us by mainstream news outlets, lies into wars, lockdowns, poisons, Infowars faces shut down while they stay on air.

This is the result of totalitarians in a banana republic.

But the public will decide the story of Infowars, and whatever happens today, the Legend of Infowars will be telling the truth in a world of lies. Standing for Freedom in the face of tyrants.

There’s a reason they want to silence Alex Jones. He’s the voice of a generation fed up with the status quo. This man has opened many eyes, causing chaos for the uniparty, and like President Trump, they’re trying to bury his message. But it’s hard to bury something that’s not dead—Alex Jones’ message is alive and well, resonating with millions of Americans and beyond. In fact, last December, Tucker Carlson interviewed Alex Jones, and the video nearly crashed the entire internet. These two powerhouses covered everything from deplatforming to whiskey.

Revolver has long been a staunch supporter of Alex Jones and Infowars. We’ve stood by Alex for years, covering the relentless war against him and highlighting the much broader implications for everyone. Without sounding too prophetic, we nailed it, though we wish we hadn’t. The current horrors unfolding in our country were foreshadowed by the deep state’s actions against Alex Jones. We recognized that early on.


Times are tough for the original king of pushing the envelope.

Last year, Infowars founder Alex Jones lost by default in a defamation case brought against him by several Sandy Hook parents, after a Texas judge ruled that Jones and his company had repeatedly failed to comply with orders to turn over certain documents during discovery. Now, a jury in Austin just ordered him to pony up millions of dollars:


Right-wing talk show host Alex Jones will have to pay the parents of a Sandy Hook shooting victim a little more than $4 million in compensatory damages, a jury decided Thursday, capping a stunning and dramatic case that showcased for the public the real-world harm inflicted by viral conspiracy theories.

The award from the jury was far less than what the plaintiffs, Scarlett Lewis and Neil Heslin, had asked for. At the start of the trial, attorneys for Lewis and Heslin asked the jury to award their clients $150 million in compensatory damages. A separate, shorter trial during which punitive damages will be discussed is now expected.

More recently this month, the jury recommended punitive damages of more than $45 million, though that amount will almost certainly be reduced substantially due to legal limits, subsequent appeals, or a possible settlement.

Amidst all of the fanfare and controversy, it is easy to overlook just how weak the defamation case against Jones really was. The Sandy Hook parents mentioned above based their defamation claim on a 2017 NBC interview where Heslin said he held his son’s body after he was murdered. In a contemporaneous Infowars segment, reporter Owen Shroyer said that, “according to a timeline of events and a coroner’s testimony, that is not possible,” and Jones responded by calling Heslin to “clarify” his statements. Otherwise, all of Jones’s “defamatory” behavior is premised on him making wild but vague allegations of a Sandy Hook false flag by unknown forces. Virtually all of the damages, meanwhile, are based on blaming Jones for the actions of people he doesn’t even know.

Based on the alleged trauma caused by Jones’s claims, and harassment from various people who are neither Jones himself nor acting on his orders, the plaintiffs sought a staggering $150 million in damages. The $4.1 million judgment is mercifully less than that, but after punitive damages come in Jones will still be paying a massive amount. Last week, Alex Jones put Free Speech Systems LLC, the parent company for his popular InfoWars show and website, into Chapter 11 bankruptcy for the second time.

To be clear, we cannot defend the wisdom and judiciousness of Jones’ coverage of Sandy Hook. Jones himself expressed regret regarding his coverage and acknowledged he should have treated the subject differently. There is no issue more sensitive than a parent grieving a child, and journalists must always strive to cover such topics with empathy, discernment, and caution.

At the same time, it is a very dangerous precedent to set when the feelings of grieving families can be used to silence reporting — even “conspiratorial and crazy” reporting — on tragedies of national significance. The Sandy Hook tragedy was a very public and very politicized event from the beginning, and almost immediately became enveloped into a national debate about gun control. Just months after the Sandy Hook Tragedy, Connecticut passed a dramatic enhancement to its so-called “assault weapons ban.” New York and Maryland took similar action, while Senator Diane Feinstein proposed a severe assault weapons ban at the national level, which never passed.

Given the political stakes involved, it seems consistent with the spirit of the First Amendment and the spirit of a free society to allow maximum discussion and deliberation about a major tragedy serving as the catalyst for legislation, even if some of that discussion turns out to be silly, crude, cruel, irresponsible, or even harmful to the emotional state of the families affected by that tragedy.

From very early on, Connecticut took a dubious approach to balancing the sensitivities of the Sandy Hook families against the public interest in transparency. The most egregious of such responses was a Connecticut law, drafted behind closed doors and in secret, that took unprecedented steps to withhold forensic evidence related to homicides from the public.

What that did was open the door to an endless amount of conspiracy theories and questions when the people of Connecticut and the entire US had a right to know what was going on, not for fodder but for education and understanding. Our Revolver piece goes on:

The Sandy Hook defamation trial was not ultimately about Sandy Hook or the Sandy Hook families. The trial itself made it obvious that Jones’ past statements were not the real reason for the trial. Rather, the trial’s purpose to stop Jones and others from speaking out in the future.

It’s all about the bullhorn—that is, all about making sure that the Regime is in exclusive possession of the megaphone, and any non-approved person who dares speak non-approved narratives to the public gets crushed.


The aggressive use of defamation law is just the latest tool in the Regime’s arsenal to silence dissent. The fact that the Regime is using the defamation tool against Alex Jones ought to concern everyone who cares about free speech and the truth; remember, Alex Jones is something of a testing ground for new suppression tools, and was one of the very first to get massively deplatformed before the Big Tech censors came after everyone else.

You can read the entire fascinating piece here:

Love Him or Hate Him, the War Against Alex Jones Is a War Against Us All

Revolver’s own Darren Beattie recently referenced that insightful Revolver piece in a post on X. In his message, Darren points out that the Sandy Hook ruling wasn’t really about the kids and parents—it was, like most things, ultimately about President Trump.

Darren Beattie:

Given Alex Jones and Infowars’ embattled position , it is important to revisit some little appreciated and damning facts from a classic Revolver News piece on Jones

The attacks on Jones ultimately have nothing to do with Sandy Hook, and everything to do with Jones’ Trump support– you read that right, the attacks on Jones have nothing to do with Sandy Hook and everything to do with his Trump support.

Don’t believe me? Consider the following clip. This interview between Piers Morgan and Alex Jones is especially instructive. Keep in mind, this interview took place just weeks after the Sandy Hook Shootings, and was on the topic of gun control.

While the interview is by no means friendly, what is striking is that nowhere in the interview does the aggressive regime lapdog Piers Morgan call Jones a “conspiracy theorist” for Sandy Hook, nor does he call for Jones’ deplatforming (self-evident given that CNN was platforming him at that very moment).

Perhaps even more astonishing is that CNN in its write up of the interview also failed to mention Sandy Hook even once! Amazingly, the write up refers to Jones simply as a “radio host”; not “right wing extremist”, not “white supremacist”, and not not radical conspiracy theorist”

See the video below

Here’s the video Darren was referencing.

Darren hits the mark. Once again, it all boils down to the regime’s desperation to eliminate Trump and all his supporters.

After the court hearing, Alex Jones was excited to deliver some good news—for now. It turns out that Infowars isn’t quite done yet, and Alex and the crew are going to live another day. Jones’ successfully staved off a takeover bid in federal court, and the battle will now move to the state courts. After all, the road goes on forever, and the party never ends.


In many ways, Alex Jones is like an edgier version of Rush Limbaugh—he’s a legend, a leader, and simply irreplaceable. The only silver lining in this dark cloud is that truth-tellers will never stop exposing the regime’s lies. These tyrants are wielding lawfare against the American people, transforming our judicial system into their personal legislative tyranny. They’re making up rules and laws on the fly, doing everything they can to stifle political dissent. Folks, this is not the American way. In fact, this is precisely the type of government our Founding Fathers warned us against.

We leave you with an image that perfectly sums up the current state of the US: one big banana republic, led by a dementia-riddled puppet and a wannabe dictator.