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There’s a serious problem with the state of womanhood today. They’ve morphed into power-crazed harpies, setting themselves up as the arbiters of morality and free speech, all while they shout their abortions, chop off their kids’ private parts, silence differing voices, and wield #MeToo like a weapon, dragging many decent men through the mud. The women’s movement has transformed these once gentle, nurturing beings into militant HR-banshees. Take, for example, this Kansas City cheerleader who spun into some human resources fantasy where she fires Harrison Butker for merely expressing his religious beliefs to a group of like-minded Catholics. Based on that, this crazy, tyrannical woman wants to oust a man who has contributed more to his profession and organization in a single game than she could in a lifetime of pom-pom tossing.

However, self-centered cat ladies don’t usually see past their own noses, which is why we end up with shameless, cringeworthy videos like this.

Her over-the-top cutesy vengefulness is enough to send chills down anyone’s spine.

What’s even more chilling is how this woman genuinely believes that a Catholic man can’t share his Catholic beliefs with other Catholics. Yet, it’s perfectly fine for the NFL to promote gays, Black Lives Matter (which she doesn’t seem to realize is a crooked criminal organization), and turn a blind eye to the rampant violence problem among their players. Sure, you can beat the heck out of your wife or girlfriend, and this woman will lead the cheers, but heaven forbid you dare to share Catholic beliefs with Catholics. There will be hell to pay for making such an “outrageous” move.

This is the “normal” that the loving left, who supposedly tolerates everyone, wants to impose: a band of North Korea-style female HR workers composed of bitter, narcissistic women who believe the only way to lift themselves up is to gleefully hack away at any man who dares stand in their way, keeping track of everyone and deciding what can and can’t be said.

RELATED: You can be a domestic abuser in the NFL, but you can’t be a Christian truth-teller…

The one bright spot in all of this is that Butker has never been more popular. Clearly, the American people are rallying around tradition, wholesome religious values, and freedom of speech, not power-crazed feminazis on an HR kick.


The Two Most Amazing Things That Have Come From The Harrison Butker Saga. #biden #biden2020 #biden2024 #harrisonbutker #harrison #kc #kansascity #kansascitychiefs

♬ original sound – The Older Millennial