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Well, the sinister harridan, Governor Kathy Hochul, is at it again. Honestly, this woman spends more time stuffing her giant foot in her mouth than doing anything productive or positive for her citizens. What’s worse this time around is that she’s not only failing to do any good for the people of New York, but she’s also insulting large swathes of them, simply because they want a better country and life for themselves and their families. Kathy appeared on the lowly-rated CNN with disgraced propaganda-peddler Jake Tapper, where she displayed her desperation by name-calling the decent, patriotic folks who attended the wildly successful Trump Bronx rally.

Even CNN had to admit that the rally was a success.


As with all Trump rallies, the crowd was enthusiastic, patriotic, and having a lot of fun.

Trump’s dance moves were on point.

And his message was clear, positive, and welcoming.

The same can’t be said for Kathy Houchul. As a matter of fact, many folks believe this was Hochul’s “Basket of Deplorables” moment. Who can forget that epic moment when a nervous and desperate Hillary Clinton labeled Trump’s supporters—decent Americans—”deplorables”? It turned out to be a game-changing moment, but for Trump.

You can say what you will about President Trump, but one thing he doesn’t do is attack and name-call Hillary or Biden supporters. He targets the crooked and bumbling politicians, not the confused Americans who support these left-wing lunatics. However, the same can’t be said about Democratic politicians—they relish the opportunity to attack dissenting Americans at every single chance they get.

New York Post:

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul appeared to call Trump supporters “clowns” on Thursday during a media appearance ahead of the former president’s New York City rally in the Bronx.

“Well, I’ll tell you what won’t make a difference at all, Jake, and that’s for Donald Trump to be a ringleader and invite all his clowns to a place like the Bronx,” Hochul told CNN’s Jake Tapper.

She continued, “New York will never, ever support Donald Trump for president. We know him better than anyone and that means we understand what he’s all about. He’s just for himself. So, this state will go solidly behind Joe Biden for president as it has in the past. So, if he wants to spend his time doing these made-up, fake rallies and pretending there’s support here, be my guest, because while you’re doing that, Donald Trump, Joe Biden’s out there on the other side making sure he’s delivering for all Americans.”

In response to Hochul’s comments, the Trump campaign told Fox News Digital: “Kathy Hocul is just upset that President Trump is pulling crowds in her state that she could only dream of; and Democrats are in disarray because Americans, including Hispanics and Blacks, are waking up to the fact that Joe Biden and the Democrat Party have been using them for votes and ripping them off for decades.”

This disgusting insult to her own citizens comes from a woman who looks like the embodiment of every Disney villain ever drawn—a disgraced, inept leader who was banned from attending the funeral of a fallen police officer—and someone who recently suggested that black children don’t know what computers are.

If anybody is a “clown,” it’s this floppy Bozo.

Kathy definitely channeled her inner “Hillary” with that ridiculous “clown” comment. But she can’t help herself; this is typical of hysterical female politicians when they’re scared. Remember in 2023, when Hillary suggested that Trump supporters be “deprogrammed”? Nice. Better get those retraining camps ready, folks. Yet another old, out-of-date woman with jowls and ten pounds of neck-skin who thinks she knows what the majority of the country needs.

The Dems know what’s coming. Trump’s doing what they could never do. He’s uniting the country.

They know they can’t beat Trump at the ballot box, not when he’s pulling “yuge” crowds in the Bronx of all places. So, they lash out with name-calling, fear-mongering, and probably another tsunami of those infamously skethcy mail-in ballots.