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The big debate between President Trump and Joe Biden is on the horizon. Who knows what fireworks will unfold, but one thing is for certain: Trump is going to bring his A-game, full-force. Especially considering everything he’s endured—raids, sham indictments, character assassination—all courtesy of the evil Biden Regime. Many believe no topic should be off-limits, especially given the new political horror show we’re living in, reminiscent of something out of North Korea or Iran, thanks to the tyrannical Biden Regime’s weaponization of intelligence, education, religion, medicine, and our judicial system. So, keeping that in mind, here’s the million-dollar question: Should President Trump stride onto that debate stage, clutching a copy of Ashley Biden’s diary, and read it aloud for the entire country to hear?

It’s an interesting question, but before we delve into it, just imagine, if you will, the media getting their hands on a diary from Ivanka Trump, where she confesses that her father took inappropriate showers with her. Do you think that would get media traction? It’s a rhetorical question, really. Of course, it would. It would dominate the top story on every major media outlet, and CNN would probably whip up a “Molester” countdown graphic to display on the screen 24/7.

However, things work differently for Joe Biden. When his daughter’s diary surfaces, revealing admissions of inappropriate showers, it doesn’t become a top story. Instead, the media propaganda puppets and the so-called “fact-checking sites” circle the wagons and dismiss it as “fake news.”

But, as with everything the regime media labels “fake,” it turns out to be real. We now know the diary is genuine. Early on, the cat aficionados at Snopes declared the diary was fake, but now they’ve been forced to eat their words and concede that it’s indeed real.


Conservative commentators have sprung upon changes to a prominent fact check about the president’s daughter, Ashley Biden, whose diary was published online after it was stolen from a home in Florida.

Fact-checker Snopes was quoted by right-wing outlets and personalities including Colin Rugg, Libs of TikTok, and Jack Posobiec after it changed the verdict on an article assessing the authenticity of the diary’s content, stolen from President Joe Biden’s daughter, from “Unproven” to “True.”

Last month Aimee Harris was sentenced to a month in prison and three months of home confinement for stealing Ashley Biden’s diary, which she sold to the conservative media outlet Project Veritas.


In an update note, Snopes wrote it changed its article about the diary’s content “based on testimony provided by Ashley Biden.” The testimony was a letter Biden sent to Judge Laura Taylor Swain, the Chief United States District Judge of the Southern District of New York, published by The New York Times.

Biden asked Swain that Harris be imprisoned, saying the defendant demonstrated “a complete lack of morality” and that her actions were “not only re-traumatizing to me, but constituted a horrific trauma in and of themselves.”

Biden also wrote, “I will forever have to deal with the fact that my personal journal can be viewed online.” This letter, Snopes argued, authenticated the diary’s contents which had been printed online.

Ashley made it clear: the diary is hers. Those are her words.

This is the diary entry in question from Ashley Biden:

But the even bigger question is: Is it fair that Joe Biden enjoys complete and total amnesty from this very serious and disturbing story? Does he not have to answer questions about what his daughter wrote in her verified diary? And beyond that, shouldn’t the American people be informed that he stands accused of showering with his daughter and consider this when casting their votes? After all, we’re supposed to care that Trump allegedly paid off an aging porn actress, but we’re not supposed to be interested in the fact that Biden’s own daughter claims they showered together. Someone, please make that make sense.

REALATED: Don Jr. responds to question about Ashley Biden’s diary entry and those ‘inappropriate showers’ with Joe…

So, we circle back to our original question: Should President Trump bring a copy of that diary and read it aloud for the entire world to hear? This move would force the media to cover the story and compel Joe Biden to answer for his alleged actions. Of course, Trump would get brutalized by the regime’s media goons, accused of using the diary for political reasons. Should he care? Considering how the Biden Regime has exploited everything from medicine to justice for political gain, no, he shouldn’t care at all.

Here’s what folks online are saying about this idea of reading the diary on live TV:

“This would dominate the debate coverage —and needs to be heard by everyone. It would also trump Biden’s dialogue about his opponent being charged with dozens of indictments (you know he’s going to say this over and over again).”

“That should be a large part of his opening statement and emails from Hunter’s laptop Joe Biden lied about. And used the word of +50 crooked intelligence officials.”

“If Biden brings up Stormy Daniel’s, he should post the diary on Truth Social during the debate”

“He should read it very slow”

“Another question: has anybody heard liberals defend the conduct or the allegation?”

You have to wonder if Team Biden is worried, which is likely why the debate will be aired on delay. If Trump steps out of line and shines a truth spotlight on Joe, his media cronies will cut his mic and fade to black. They’ll do whatever they can to protect Joe, but it won’t work. The drama in and of itself would be enough to generate a social media frenzy, and that would “trump” anything the media did to cover for Joe. Another positive from sharing Ashley’s diary would be opening up a bigger and much-needed discussion about Joe Biden’s history of getting very inappropriate with women and children, and of course, we can’t forget the compelling assault story from former Biden staffer Tara Reade.

What are your thoughts? Should President Trump bring up Ashley and Hunter during the debate? This topic is heating up, and we’re eager to gauge the sentiment out there. Share your views and thoughts in the comments below.