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In one of the most shameless “fake news” spectacles, CNN and other left-wing media outlets perpetuated the “hands up, don’t shoot” lie. They falsely claimed, without any evidence, that neighborhood thug Michael Brown had his hands up and pleaded with the cops not to shoot, just before he was supposedly unjustly killed. The media also dubbed the lumbering thug a “gentle giant.”

Here’s the “gentle giant” attacking an Asian store clerk who’s half his size during an armed robbery.

The media made a spectacle of themselves as they pushed these insidious lies, even going so far as to sit there, like dummies, with their hands up in the air.

Of course, the story didn’t happen the way they said it did—not even close. It’s reminiscent of the George Floyd hoax.

As it turns out, Brown, a budding career criminal and dreg of humanity, was trying to take a weapon from a police officer when he was justifiably shot and killed. However, these actual events didn’t fit the left’s anti-cop narrative, so they concocted a new story that once again divided the country, igniting chaos, violence, and hate. Now, when the NAACP and other radical left-wingers decided to take to X to post ‘Birthday wishes’ to Michael Brown, who would’ve turned 28 this year, they were met with one of the most epic Community Note ever.

Here’s what the Community Note said in response to the NAACP’s post on X, celebrating Michael Brown’s life and marking the birth of this neighborhood thug.

Michael Brown was a robbery suspect and was shot after he initiated an altercation with police. Investigations, including by the DOJ, concluded Officer Wilson’s use of force was justified, as Brown had reached for the officer’s gun.

Meanwhile, it’s fair to note that it was Obama’s very black regime that concluded Michael Brown’s death wasn’t due to police misconduct. Much like the left’s George Floyd narrative, the ‘hands up, don’t shoot’ claim turned out to be a hoax as well. Congresswoman Cori Bush also got hit with the same savage and very well-deserved Community Note that the NAACP got slapped with.

This is a photo of St. Louis prosecutor Wesley Bell, who determined there was no reason to press charges against the police officer who justifiably shot and killed the lumbering criminal, Michael Brown.

St. Louis County prosecuting attorney Wesley Bell announces Thursday, July 30, 2020, that no charges will be filed against former Ferguson, Mo., police officer Darren Wilson for shooting and killing Michael Brown Jr. on August 9, 2014 in Clayton, Mo. Bell said his administration reopened the case and spent five months reinvestigating. (Chris Kohley/St. Louis Post-Dispatch via AP)

They investigated the case an absurd three times, and each time, the cop was found not to be at fault.


St. Louis County’s prosecutor announced Thursday that he will not charge the former police officer who fatally shot Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, a dramatic decision that could reopen old wounds amid a renewed and intense national conversation about racial injustice and the police treatment of people of color.

Prosecuting Attorney Wesley Bell’s decision marked the third time prosecutors investigated and opted not to charge Darren Wilson, the white officer who fatally shot Brown, a Black 18-year-old, on Aug. 9, 2014. A St. Louis County grand jury declined to indict Wilson in November 2014, and the U.S. Department of Justice also declined to charge him in March 2015.

Civil rights leaders and Brown’s parents had hoped that Bell, the county’s first Black prosecutor who took office in January 2019, would see things differently.

RELATED: If only she had been a career criminal and drug addict like Saint Floyd…

These days, the left turns to the hood to find their civil rights heroes. Criminals, gang bangers, drug addicts, and all-around bad guys like Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, and George Floyd are enshrined in the mythical “civil rights pantheon.” These are the men whom the media and left-wing activists herald as representative of the American black experience—men who we are urged to look up to and revere. So much so that major organizations and elected officials commemorate their would-be birthdays online. It’s no wonder so many in the black community feel trapped. The very people who claim to be helping them are actually keeping them down.

Thank goodness we have a way to combat these lies and hoax agendas from the left, so hats off to Community Notes for coming through big on this one.