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As you know, President Trump is currently caught up in what might be one of the most blatant and disgraceful political sham trials we’ve ever seen in this country. How can he possibly get a fair trial in Manhattan, a true hotbed for Trump Derangement Syndrome, teeming with mentally deranged potential “activist jurors”? These jurors seem ready, willing, and able to do whatever it takes to see Trump, currently the nation’s top pick for President of the United States, behind bars. This is how far we’ve fallen as a country. Frankly, Trump’s juror situation resembles more of a zany carnival sideshow than a serious judicial proceeding. The only piece of good news we’ve encountered so far is that one of Trump’s jurors lists “Truth Social” as their primary news source. Given the jury pool we’ve seen, this feels like a Christmas miracle.

In the United States, you should be judged by a jury of your peers, not a jury stacked with haters and losers. That’s precisely why it’s so important for conservatives to set aside misguided virtue and step up to fulfill their civic and constitutional duties by sitting on important juries like this one. Unfortunately, as Revolver recently highlighted, we’re falling way short. We pointed out a juror who could have been “pro-Trump,” or at the very least, exceptionally fair, but she disqualified herself because she wasn’t sure she could be “impartial.”

While some might praise this as virtuous, this is the type of mindset that keeps us on a losing streak. It’s high time we realized that engagement, not self-removal, is key to winning.


People on the right often ask, “Why do we keep losing?” That’s a loaded question with many layers to it, so much so that we could spend all day unpacking the reasons. But to simplify things, we’ve found a video clip that perfectly captures why conservatives lose. It zeroes in on the current Trump show trial in New York City. Here, the former president is battling to get a fair trial in the liberal-run chaos of Manhattan. It’s a clear, concise example that shows just how steep the hill we have to climb really is and how we constantly shoot ourselves in the foot, thanks to misguided conservative virtue.

In this clip, you’ll see a woman who, at first glance, seems like she’d be the perfect juror for Trump. She appeared favorable to him but declined to serve because she didn’t think she could be impartial. Many conservatives might see this and think, “That’s just us doing the right, constitutional thing.” But that’s where we’re missing the mark. In this ongoing battle with the left, simply playing by the rules isn’t going to cut it. We keep getting knocked down because the left isn’t playing the same game. They aren’t concerned with rules or the Constitution; they’re focused on crushing their enemies and winning at all costs, and it’s working.

Does this mean we need to throw out all the rules and become lawless like them? Not exactly, but we need to recognize that we’re in a war. Playing on an “invisible high road” just to feel virtuous in front of the camera isn’t helping us win. While we preach about morality, left-wing activist judges and jurors are steamrolling over us and the principles our country stands for.

This is a must-read for all conservatives who want to be victorious against the uniparty:

Watch and learn: This potential pro-Trump juror shows exactly why conservatives always lose…

Meanwhile, President Trump faces an uphill battle to secure a fair trial in liberal hellholes like New York City and the DC Swamp. And as we speak, this sham trial is quickly turning into a full-blown kangaroo court, complete with activist judges and jurors. The entire process is rigged and orchestrated to deliver the outcome the uniparty needs: a guilty verdict, no matter how lawless and flimsy the evidence may be.


If you thought Trump’s trial was a kangaroo court, just wait until you see his jury. This mob of twelve kangaroos is hopping right into action, turning the US judicial system into a full-on zoo. It’s not just a courtroom drama anymore—it’s a wildlife spectacle where justice is anything but wild. And this latest twist? A juror, already seated at the trial, just dropped a bombshell by suddenly admitting she can’t be impartial after all. This is a really disturbing reminder of how ludicrous and unfair this entire legal soap opera has become.


A juror in Donald Trump’s hush money trial was dismissed Thursday after expressing doubt about her ability to be fair and impartial, and the status of a second New Yorker picked for the panel was in limbo amid concerns that some of his answers in court may not have been accurate.

The setbacks in the selection process emerged during a frenetic morning in which prosecutors also asked for Trump to held in contempt over a series of social media posts this week, while the judge in the case barred reporters from identifying jurors’ employers.

After all, the Democrats have big plans following their farcical guilty verdict. They’re banking on a guilty verdict making it impossible for President Trump to win—or at least, they plan to use it as their “reason” for a Biden victory, aided by another massive wave of illegal mail-in ballots. Part two of their strategy is even more sinister: stripping Trump of his security detail, leaving him vulnerable to potential threats. This would solve their “MAGA problem” once and for all. It’s a chilling glimpse into the lengths they are willing to go to maintain power and control.


Rep. Bennie Thompson, who you know was the former chair of the bogus Jan. 6 committee, has just introduced legislation that would terminate Secret Service protection for anyone sentenced to a year or more in jail. This is not just a policy proposal; it’s a clear political hit aimed directly at Trump, exposing him to an unprecedented risk of assassination. The implications of this bill are bone-chilling, and the murderous intent behind it is crystal clear.

Dems’ latest: They want Trump jailed and murdered, and have a plan to make both happen…

Look, it’s pretty clear that liberals might just throw a party if President Trump was assassinated. But there’s another twist in this saga. They’re probably worried that Trump’s Secret Service protection could actually prevent him from ever setting foot in a prison cell. They’re likely worried that his “sentence” would play out at Mar-a-Lago instead. This wouldn’t work for Democrats, who are itching to see him lose his freedom completely and gain that “inmate” label they so desperately want him to wear. That’s exactly why having a juror who supports Trump and Truth Social is critical—it might be our only shot at injecting some fairness into this utterly biased political hit job.