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The Fox News of today is a far cry from its heyday as a conservative stalwart under the wise leadership of Roger Ailes. Now, Fox News teeters between a hardcore neocon establishment line and outright progressivism. It appears that each day brings a new left-wing issue that Fox News is readily embracing. A perfect example of this is the trans movement, which Fox has gleefully embraced, both on air and behind the scenes.

The Daily Signal:

Fox News employees are allowed to use bathrooms that align with their gender identity, rather than their biological sex, and permitted to dress in alignment with their preferred gender. They must also be addressed by their preferred name and pronouns in the workplace.

These are just a few of the policies outlined in the company handbook, dated January 2021, a copy of which was shared with The Daily Signal. Fox also offers to help employees come up with a “Workplace Transition Plan” to ease their gender transition at work.

The revelations comes amid conservative consternation at Fox Digital’s use of activist language like “gender affirming care” in stories on its website, as well as the site’s consistent use of female pronouns for biological males like TikTok celebrity Dylan Mulvaney and swimmer Lia Thomas (formerly known as Will Thomas).

Fox News even celebrated a trans child as part of their “America Together: LGBTQ+ Pride Month” series.

However, it’s not just the LGBTQ+ movement that Rupert Murdoch is promoting for Dems. The entire Fox media empire exists under the News Corp umbrella, and  they’re now championing one of the left’s most cherished causes: climate change. Recently, Revolver published an in-depth article detailing how Rupert and News Corp is subtly introducing climate-related messaging to their conservative audience, and it’s likely that Rupert’s progressive son, James, is the driving force behind these efforts.


A recent report from Newscorp property Wall Street Journal hints at James’ rising influence over the media empire. The piece in question investigated the environmental soundness of the use of  lead cables by phone companies. What the WSJ failed to note to readers is that the report was orchestrated and funded by the far left-wing Environmental Defense Fund. The WSJ relied on Marine Taxonomic Services to collect data and research on the cables. The MTS is funded by the EDF. The Journal denied the EDF funded the testing in one of its articles, but the EDF provided a different story.

“The Wall Street Journal reached out to EDF to learn more about the risk of lead cables in lakes, rivers, and streams around the country,” a press release from the group stated. “EDF agreed to provide guidance, assistance, and funding to MTS to help identify cables and conduct sampling.” That sounds like the EDF was heavily involved in the investigation.

WSJ would want to muddy these links based on the targets of the investigation. The EDF has an ax to grind against the telecommunication companies. It would be unseemly for a newspaper to allow a biased source to shape its coverage. But that appears to be what happened. AT&T, a company targeted by the series, dismissed the report’s findings based on its undisclosed reliance on a partisan group.

The Journal eventually issued a correction admitting the EDF provided $85,000 to MTS for its investigation.

This series was given top-billing by the paper. It was not some overlooked blog or backpage oddity. This was a prominent feature showcasing the Journal’s alleged investigative prowess—and it was crafted by a left-wing group. The Journal’s right-leaning audience would likely not appreciate that connection.

READ MORE: How One Green New Deal Style Report at WSJ Signals Dark Liberal Future for Murdoch Empire

Revolver’s own Darren Beattie recently appeared on War Room to delve into Rupert’s latest shifty maneuvers and shed light on how James, Rupert’s progressive son is becoming more powerful within News Corp. James is reportedly “horrified” by Fox News’ stance on climate denialism, white nationalism, and stolen election conspiracies, and believes it all constitutes one big giant threat to American democracy.


This is just the tip of the iceberg for Rupert and Fox News. This family’s slow shift towards the left began years ago. Now, as the deep state and the regime grow more desperate to stop Trump and the America First movement, Fox News will find itself compelled to finally unveil their true intentions.