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The First Amendment guarantees the right to free speech, but it seems like the Biden regime is doing everything under the sun to quash this fundamental right. Everyday we see and feel more censorship from this regime and Americans are finding it harder and scarier to express themselves without fear of being attacked by the rabid liberal mob or even arrested by our tyrannical government.

This is not how our founding fathers pictured America to be,  and if you really want to talk about “threats to democracy,” this is it.

Just look at the recent conviction of Douglass Mackey for sharing a meme that mocked stupid Hillary voters… Mackey now faces ten years in prison for sharing a meme on Twitter that didn’t harm a single soul. The government’s decision to prosecute Mackey for exercising his right to express his views in a funny and satirical way should be a violation of the First Amendment. But it wasn’t for very political reasons. This case is a sign of just how far the government is willing to go in order to silence dissenting voices.

But there’s more folks…

In addition to targeting law-abiding Americans who mock political elites, the Biden regime is now going after left-wing black radicals who are speaking out against the Ukraine war.

Guess what the regime is calling them? Yep, you got it, “Russian agents.”

The group is now being targeted by the DOJ in an attempt to silence them and prevent them from speaking out against the war. Once again, this is a blatant violation of the First Amendment, and it is should scare the bejeezus of every American that our  government is willing to go to these absurd extremes to suppress free speech.

And that’s precisely what Tucker is calling out, saying that for the first time in our nation’s history, our government is actually arresting people for saying things it doesn’t like, and the regime is finding very “creative” ways to do it. This time, its radical left-wing black socialists who are being targeted by the Biden administration, but tomorrow, it could be me or you.


Respected journalist Glenn Greenwald joined Tucker to discuss the latest Regime escalation against ordinary Americans.

It’s no longer partisan—ANYBODY who says the wrong thing is fair game for this regime. Glenn Greenwald notes that only the right-wing is standing up for the rights of Americans now—the so-called “liberals” are nowhere to be seen anymore.

Censorship has become so rampant under the Biden regime that Tucker is now wondering if this is the end of free speech in the United States. It’s a fair question given what we’ve seen happening with Trump’s sham arrest, the conviction of Douglas Mackey, and now the arrest of left-wing black radicals.

Tucker is right; it does feels like the end of an era. We had a good run, guys, but the whole idea of “free speech” was killed by a dementia patient. All jokes aside, it’s time for every American to ask why the Democrat Party has turned into tyrannical communists who are hell-bent on control and censorship and fight back against this oppression before it really is too late.


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