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If President Trump delivers this suggested speech, Joe Biden will not stand a chance.

My fellow Americans, I want to talk to you today about Sleepy Joe and the Crooked Establishment he represents.

This Joe from Scranton act — how stupid does he think you are? Wall Street — this comes from CNN itself, not my supporters — but Wall Street is giving Joe five, six times more money than they’re giving me, just like with Hillary last time, he’s their guy — Upper West Side in Manhattan is giving him millions, and it’s not because they love people from Scranton.

You know the whole thing about Hunter Biden isn’t that he’s a druggie or a degenerate — because we, unlike them, believe in redemption — but that his father, Joe Biden, has always used him as a conduit for money, including foreign money.

That’s how bribery works in America now: you pay off the family, or you pay off the politician or the general after they “retire” — that’s how the graft keeps going and how you end up with the Clintons, who’ve been in public service their whole lives, but they’re worth over 200 million dollars, that’s how the Obamas can cash out after the presidency and buy an estate on Martha’s Vineyard — they’re not buying in Scranton, right. That’s how Biden has multiple estates and is worth millions despite the fact he’s only ever been in public life on a small salary — how is he able to do that?

And that’s what it’s come out now, even according to his business partner who testified to the FBI about this, that his son Hunter was used as a proxy for bribery — but listen to this, so Joe from Scranton, in 2004 or 2005, he was the one who passed a bill for the big banks and the big credit card companies — the usurers –which is why you can’t discharge a lot of debt in bankruptcy now. That’s Joe from Scranton, small-town boy doing it, right?

He was co-sponsor of the bill that, if you have a child who’s in debt or a relative and they can’t discharge it and they’re reduced to debt slavery and indentured servitude for the banks, that’s Joe from Scranton’s bill, he was co-sponsor. And when he co-sponsored that bill his son Hunter, at 21 years, with no experience, no nothing, got hired as a consultant by the credit card company that benefited from that bill. So that’s the pattern throughout Joe’s life, decades of bribery, and I’ll call it that even if the corporate media, owned by the same monopolists and oligarchs, they won’t call it bribery but this is how bribery works in America.

When you voted for me in 2016, I was not like other candidates, I didn’t look or talk like them, and you knew this, but you voted for an outsider and a billionaire because at least I’m not a cipher like this guy, I’m not owned by anyone, and ever since then I’ve been trying to take them on. It’s been a hard four years, with a coup attempt by this nation’s corrupt security state, and even so our economy was roaring, and you finally saw I delivered wage growth after decades of decline — this guy was in office for eight years with Obama and they didn’t make wages grow.

The recovery of the Obama years was no recovery — people lost good jobs and got bad part time jobs, the Upper Midwest continued to lose factories and good lifetime jobs that got shipped to China and Mexico while the Bidens and Obamas cashed out from these deals. That was the big disappointment for many of you, you know? I know that — I know why many of you voted for Obama, because you thought he was an outsider who’d take on Wall Street after that total plunder of the middle class at the end of the disastrous Bush years, and you thought he’d end the wars — but he and Biden failed on every count.

The wars continued, young men continued to return home maimed, and your way of life continued to decline — all you got from Biden and Obama was struggle and stress. So you saw through them in 2016, and that’s when America started its comeback, that was when I took on the task as your champion against the big donors, the oligarchs and their lackeys in DC. You saw what Biden was before, when he and Obama delivered nothing on their promises — and that’s what happens when you vote for ciphers, bag-men, and nobodies — you’re voting for weak men who are the tools of hidden interests.

So it’s been a hard four years of battle for me but I delivered to you rising wages, better jobs, the return of factories to the Midwest — which no one thought I could do — but I did it by taking on China like no one ever has and this economy was roaring bigly until the China virus came along this year. But you know what you’re not hearing about that, what the corporate media of Bezos and Zuckerberg are hiding from you, is that the whole world was hit very hard, and by comparison America did quite well, by comparison to Europe. You don’t hear this but per capita our infection rates, our death rates are far better than what’s happened in very advanced, very rich countries like Belgium or north Italy or other parts of Europe. The truth is this China virus caught the whole world by surprise but we did relatively well when you compare us to other countries.

I’ve told you before, and you all know that Joe Biden wanted to keep us open to China, and that he called me a racist because I stopped travel from China and protected American lives — but you know something weird about the China virus? It’s that there’s a different China virus that’s been afflicting America since the Obama years, and it’s called fentanyl. It’s called opiates. I know Covid, Wuhanflu, call it what you want, it’s pretty bad, but how many of you know someone who’s son or nephew died from a drug overdose? Well it’s at least 400,000 by the latest figures I’ve seen but it’s actually a lot more than that, and most of this during the Obama years. More die every year from opiate overdoses than died in the entire Vietnam War.

And why has this country been flooded with opiates and in particular fentanyl? It’s because Joe Biden and Obama changed the law — it’s called the scheduling, they changed the drug schedule for fentanyl to allow China to just flood this country with opiates, because that’s where they’re manufactured, in China, and they busted open our southern Border and let the cartels and the gangsters and human traffickers just flood this nation with this poison, this other pandemic that nobody’s talking about, that they tried to deny. But you know it’s real, and you probably know a lot more people who died from fentanyl and other opiates than died from Covid.

Well that’s on Obama and Joe. Joe Biden saying on tape that the rise of China is a great thing, with his family profiting from Chinese deals — his son’s business partner was a major Chinese state actor, Patrick Ho, an actor in Chinese intelligence — look it up, he’s on tape admitting it. It was on Tucker the other day — it’s Hunter Biden saying these things, and saying his father was involved in these deals. Our corrupt media, and unfortunately much of our corrupt security state won’t touch it because they’re owned by the same people, but this is what was happening while the nation was flooded with fentanyl and hundreds of thousands died under Biden and Obama, while Biden was profiting in a big way from China.

Obama and Joe weren’t the masterminds — they’re just weak fronts, empty suits and puppets who got put in the presidency to facilitate this disaster, but ask yourselves if you want to return to that? Because if you vote for this mannequin, who would probably be replaced by Kamala after a few months — who by the way also has extensive “business interests” in China — you let these small-time profiteers come in, they’re going to come after you, and they’ll come after you hard. They’ll never forgive you for trying to break free of this corruption, this political class that’s based only on graft, bribery, and putting America on fire sale so they can take their cut.

Fifty percent of his children’s salaries — that was Biden’s cut — his own son says so. You know it’s cheaper to buy a politician like Biden than — well I can’t say it. This is a family event. But the Bidens, the Clintons, the Obamas, and the Bushes being in hock to monopolists here and abroad, being in hock to China – it has real consequences for your lives.  The despair I’ve been fighting for the last three years, against the toughest opposition of this country’s corrupt establishment, that despair — the deindustrialization, the opioid pandemic that has taken far more lives than Covid, and now the China virus itself — all of it comes from China, because China works with the establishment and the oligarch donors, China is who they use as a foreign base to rip you off.

A vote for Biden is a vote for a return to the years when this band of international vampires pillaged and plundered this country dry. Remember this and tell your friends and go vote, even if you think we will win, which we will, but go out and vote and give us a crushing lead so that in my second term we can continue what we started, we can finish it, we can take this country back for the people away from the unaccountable foreign interests and the monopolists.

I said before and now you see it’s truer than ever: our movement is an existential threat for the globalist cartel. They see our rallies, the enthusiasm, they see an awakened America, an awakened people that has elected me as their champion to take back our nation, reclaim our sovereignty, and set us on the path to prosperity and greatness again. A nation that built the Hoover Dam and the Golden Gate Bridge, that won World Wars on two fronts, that went to the moon, they shiver in fear to see you awakened again, and a great thing it is to see. I am ready for the fight, as ready as I’ve ever been and second term we’re taking the fight to them harder than you know.

It’s going to be an awesome thing to see. I took on this task because I know what is at stake is liberty against slavery, whether you will go back to allowing nameless, faceless interests that put up empty, corrupt ciphers like Joe, Obama, and Kamala as their frontmen and puppets, or whether the American people, now awakened, will finish the task and regain our sovereignty and our ancient liberty. I never had to do this. I did it because I want to be the beginning — I only want to be the beginning of the restoration of the people who founded this country and sustain it through their work and their families, the beginning of our people fulfilling the hope of America as a place where the people, not the oligarchs, decide our nation’s future, and where the well being of the people and their families, your prosperity, is the first and last business of this government.

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